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Dedication Of The Antietam National Cemetery...
Dedication Of The Antietam National Cemetery...
Item # 699526
October 05, 1867
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, from New York, dated Oct. 5, 1867
* Antietam National Cemetery dedication
* Sharpsburg, Maryland union soldiers
The front page features a large illustration "The Remains Of Maximillian In The House Of Senor Don Munos Ledo At Queretaro, Mexico, Awaiting Removal To Europe". Inside the issue is a nice fullpage "The Dedication Of The Antietam National Cemetery, At Sharpsburg, Maryland, On Tuesday, Sept. 17". The issue contains other news items and advertisement of the day as well.
PLEASE NOTE: This issue is missing page 39/40, does have a stain in the upper right corner of the frontpage, otherwise is good condition. See photos for details.
Category: Post-Civil War