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Significance of the Battle of Chosen Reservoir: the Korean War continues...
Significance of the Battle of Chosen Reservoir: the Korean War continues...
Item # 699503
November 28, 1950
NEW YORK POST--EXTRA, Nov. 28, 1950
* Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River
* Battle of Chosin Reservoir begins
* People's Republic of China enter
* Korean War
The entire front page is taken up with: "MacArthur Reports: NEW WAR" "U. S. Brands Red China Aggressor" with the report on pages 2 and 3.
This was the Battle of Chosen Reservoir from the early months of the Korean War. Although both sides claimed victory, beyond dispute is that the battle ended any hopes of uniting the Korean Peninsula under the South's rule. The Korean War would continue.
Tabloid size, seemingly complete in 64 pages although the dateline notes 76 pages (perhaps not for this "Extra" edition), wear with some loss at the spine does affect some text on pages 2 & 3 and elsewhere.
Category: The 20th Century