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17th century woman publisher...

Item # 698684

November 04, 1682

THE OBSERVATOR, London, Nov. 4, 1682

* Rare publication
* Woman publisher

This is a handsome dialogue newspaper founded by Sir Roger L'Estrange, a Tory pamphleteer, as a vehicle for attacking dissenters and Whigs. Done in a dialogue format, between Whig & Tory. This early single sheet newspaper has the old style type making it great for framing, but the most intriguing aspect of this issue is that the imprint at the bottom of the back page reads: "London, Printed for Joanna Brome, at the Gun in S. Paul's Church-yard."
I believe this to be the earliest periodical we have offered published by a woman. Could it be the earliest woman publisher to be found within a newspaper?
Single sheet, 8 by 13 inches, very nice condition.

Category: British