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Much on the exchange of prisoners in prison ships... British have evacuated the South...
Much on the exchange of prisoners in prison ships... British have evacuated the South...
Item # 698404
July 17, 1781
* American Revolutionary War
* Ship prisoners exchanged
* Southern colonies evacuation (British)
The front page has several letters from British Lt. Col. Balfour, most dealing with discussion for an exchange of prisoners with General Greene.
This discussion carries over to page 2 where is found a letter datelined: "Torbay prison ship, Charlestown harbour, May 19, 1781" concerning men on the prison ship. Then yet another letter from on board the prison ship.
Page 2 also has a nice: "Proclamation - By His Excellency George Washington, Esq. General and Commander in Chief of the Allied Army" which is signed in type: G. Washington.
Page 3 has more on the war including a letter from General Greene's army dated at Ninety-Six, S. Carolina, beginning: "Lord Rawdon has retreated to Charlestown...General Marion is below maneuvering towards Charlestown & General Greene has invested Ninety-Six. It is only possible we may not succeed. I expect soon to hear of the reduction of Augusta...We fear nothing before us."
Also a report concerning John Rutledge, then more encouraging reports concerning the British evacuation of the South, one item noting: "...North Carolina is totally evacuated by the troops of his Britannic majesty..." with more.
More fine content as well, portions of which can be seen in the photos.
Four pages, ornate lettering in the masthead, very nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War