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Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...

Item # 697860

September 04, 1777


* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler
* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been strongly opposed by some persons in high office."
A report from Fishkill tells some of the movements of Gen. St. Leger. A report with a letter from Peekskill includes: "Gen. Sullivan sent a party upon Staten Island, took 2 colonels, 2 Majors...The fleet are arrived 200 miles up Chesapeak Bay with 200 sail--are cannonading Baltimore. General Washington is gone to the southward." This is followed by a letter from Col. Gansevoort with a report of some military action at Fort Stanwix: "This morning at 11 o'clock I began a heavy cannonade upon our enemy's works which was immediately returned by a number of shells & cannon...deserters came in who informed me that Gen. St. Leger with his army was retreating with the utmost precipitation...".
This is followed by an interesting letter written to B. Arnold, "...the commanding officer of troops marching to Fort Stanwix", from before his defection to the British, signed in type by Major-General Gates, datelined Aug. 23, 1777 on the Mohawk River 10 miles above Fort Dayton.  The letter has a nice account of military action at the siege of Fort Schuyler, formerly named Fort Stanwix from the French & Indian War era.
The back page has an extremely detailed report datelined German Flatts (present-day Herkimer) Aug. 11, 1777 concerning the siege of Fort Schuyler, signed by Marinus Willet, one of the commanders within the fort. This report takes 1 1/2 columns. 
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, various wear at the folds causing 2 small holes at the fold junctures of the front leaf, and little slits on the back leaf. Various light water staining throughout does not deter readability, however some minor fold wear and light inking does cause some difficulty in reading text on pg. 2. But the text on page 4, with the Fort Schuyler report is more darkly inked and quite readable.

Category: Revolutionary War