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Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington as Commander-in-Chief...

Item # 697032

June 27, 1775

THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, June 27, 1775 

* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War

Almost the entire front page is taken up with a terrific and vitriolic attack on General Gage concerning his actions at Boston, the full text shown in the photos below, with bits including: "...waving all that may be said of your hypocracy, cruelty, villany, treachery, persidy, falsehood & inconsistancy...we well know you have orders to disarm us...Adams and Hancock are unpardonable! And why they in particular, Mr. Gage? The very writer of this paper is ten thousand times as bitter a rebel against perjured & usurping tyrants as either of them!...I confess I am all amazement that in this day...a brute could be found out of a sty that would thus venture to impose upon mankind. One cannot repress their curiosity in asking you what you promised yourself from this proclamation. Did you expect to intimidate the defenders of their lives, liberties & properties which you are commissioned to destroy?..." and much more.
Filling the remainder of the front page and over half of page 2 is another patriotic letter concerning Gage's Proclamation of martial law in Boston.
Page 3 has an extremely significant item datelined New York, reading: "Yesterday arrived here from Philadelphia, in their way for the camp at Boston, General Washington, appointed by the Hon. the Continental Congress Commander in Chief of all the provincial troops in North America, attended by the Generals Lee and Schuyler...were conducted by nine companies of foot, in their uniforms, and a greater number of the principal inhabitants of this city than ever appeared here on any occasion before."
And better yet is another more lengthy & detailed account of the battle of Bunker Hill, under a Philadelphia dateline of June 27, which is prefaced with: "This morning an express arrived from the Massachusetts Bay Provincial Congress, with an account of the late engagement at Bunker's Hill and Charlestown. The following is all the printer has been able to collect concerning it..." and what follows is a very nice account of the battle.
The back page is mostly taken up with ads, however, it does include a terrific letter signed by Charles Lee concerning his resignation from the British service in favor of fighting for the American cause.
A truly terrific issue on several accounts.
Four pages, however note that the back leaf has 2 3/4 by 3 3/4 piece cut out, replace with period 18th century newsprint. The price is dramatically less than the content would otherwise deserve.

Category: Revolutionary War