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The short-lived newspaper for "Tiny Town", Missouri...

Item # 696927

May 25, 1925

THE TINY TOWN TIMES, Tiny Town, Missouri, May 25, 1925 

* Very rare miniature publication

This is a very fascinating little newspaper.
You can read much about "Tiny Town" on Wikipedia, but to be brief, "Tiny Town was the first complete city built in miniature & had over 1000 structures. A smaller village was complete in 1919 while the larger full version was completed in 1925. The motivation was "Build Now", a promotion to stimulate Springfield's home construction industry.
The project involved 10,000 students from 18 Springfield high schools, used as a teaching aid to instruct students in government, home ownership, and citizenship. Virtually all of its contents relate to Tiny Town.
This was the town newspaper, this issue being volume 1 number 1. It only existed for just six issues, all within one week & beginning the day of Tiny Town's unveiling, printed by the students of journalism at a local high school.
Four pages, 7 by 8 3/4 inches, nice condition. A great rarity.

Category: The 20th Century