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Terrific & rare broadside "Extra" on the capture of Jefferson Davis...

Item # 695818

May 14, 1865

STATE JOURNAL - EXTRA, Sunday, May 14, 1865 

* Very rare miniature broadside
* Capture of Jefferson Davis
* President of the Confederacy

A terrific little broadside "Extra" with no mention of city or state of origin as was typical, given such releases were for local consumption only. The only hint that it may be from Michigan is in one of the headlines.
The three headlines announce: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! " "Capture of Jeff. Davis and His Staff" "Col. Pritchard, of Mich., His Captor". The report includes the dispatch from Maj.-Gen. Wilson to General U.S. Grant & the Secretary of War which notes in part: "I have the honor to report that at day-light on the 10th inst. Col. Pritchard...captured Jeff. Davis and family, with Regan Postmaster General; Col. Harrison...Col. Johnson...Colonel Pritchard surprised their damp at Irwinsville, in Irwin county, Georgia..." with more.
Complete as a small slip of paper measuring 3 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches, blank on the reverse, once separated near the bottom now archivally rejoined, some old glue evidence on the reverse, generally nice condition.

Category: Yankee