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Tunisian campaign ends w/ allied victory...

Item # 695660

May 13, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 13, 1943

* Battle of Tunisia - Tunisian campaign ENDS
* North African campaign allied victory
* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "TUNISIAN RESISTANCE ENDS IN ROUT OF GERMANS; GEN. VON ARNIM AND 150,000 MEN CAPTURED" with subheads and related map.
Complete with all 42 pages, rag edition in great condition.

wikipedia notes: The Tunisian campaign (also known as the Battle of Tunisia) was a series of battles that took place in Tunisia during the North African campaign of the Second World War, between Axis and Allied forces from 17 November 1942 to 13 May 1943. The Allies consisted of British Imperial Forces, including a Greek contingent, with American and French corps. The battle opened with initial success by the German and Italian forces but the massive supply interdiction efforts led to the decisive defeat of the Axis. Over 250,000 German and Italian troops were taken as prisoners of war, including most of the Afrika Korps.

Category: World War II