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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...
When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...
Item # 691484
January 20, 1848
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 1848 This newspaper contains on pages 1 and 4 reports from the: "House of Representatives" with mention of Abraham Lincoln.
The ftpg. has a lengthy address by Mr. Jamison which mentions in part: "...The gentleman from Illinois, from the Hardin and Baker district, (Mr. Lincoln,) took a strange position before the American Congress for such a Representative...He was a Whig, to be sure; he and I met here on the floor and we disagreed, as far as politics are concerned; yet he went from your district, (referring to Mr. Lincoln,) and fell nobly at Buena Vista..." with more.
Further on a report from the House makes additional references to Abe Lincoln: "...So much in reference to that point. He passed to another--the pretext made by the gentleman from Georgia, the gentleman from Illinois, (Mr. Lincoln), and others, who opposed the war in Terence to the march of the army from
Corpus Christi to the east bank of the Rio Grande..." with more.
There is yet another mention of Lincoln as seen in the photos.
In 1846 Lincoln ran for the United States House of Representatives and won. While in Washington he became known for his opposition to the Mexican War and to slavery. He served only one term, from March, 1847 thru March, 1849, so Congressional reports with mention of Abraham Lincoln are quite scarce. Lincoln returned home after his term and resumed his law practice.
Quite rare to find period mentions of Lincoln--albeit quite inconspicuous--from long before he would become a national figure. Lincoln was just 39 years old at the time.
Complete in 4 pages, various small tears at the margins, a bit irregular at the spine.
Category: Pre-Civil War