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President John Adams responds... Society of the Cincinnati...

Item # 691166

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July 14, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 14, 1798  

* Society of the Cincinnati
* President John Adams

The front page has an extract of the President's answer to the Address of the (Society of) Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, signed in type: John Adams. Also has his answer to an address from the Legislature of New Hampshire, signed in type: John Adams.
Also on the front page is much on the: "Summary of French Affairs" which related to the on-going XYZ Affair, one bit noting: "...the conduct of Thomas Paine deserves particular notice. He lives in the house of a journalist of note, who is usually the first to publish whatever appears hostile to our country..." with more.
Inside includes: "A French Pirate Captured" "French Barbarity" "American Cockade" and much more.
Four pages, nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's