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Three maps and a diagram...
Three maps and a diagram...
Item # 691149
May 13, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1862
* Bottoms Bridge - Chickahominy River
* General George B. McClellan
The front page is dominated by a nice, detailed Civil War map headed: "THE BATTLE FIELD IN VIRGINIA - The Area of General McClellan's Operations--Bottom's Bridge on the Chickahominy." Column heads as well including: "State of Things In Richmond" "Starvation Prices in the Rebel Capital" "The City Panic Stricken" "The Fate of Richmond Depending on the Merrimac" and more.
Page 2 contains a map of: "The Great Conflagration In Troy" showing the burnt district. Pg. 3 column heads: "The Capture of Norfolk" "What 'Old Abe' Did" "President Lincoln a Statesman, Soldier and Strategist" with more including a diagram of the "Movements of the Union Fleet". Page 10 has a one column map showing the Corinth vicinity.
Twelve pages, nice condition.
Category: Yankee