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Several prints from Algiers... Emigrants across the Prairies...

Item # 689687

March 06, 1858

BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, March 6, 1858  The front page features a dramatic print: "Stagecoach Attacked by Wolves in Maine" with a related article.
Inside includes a full page print: "Moorish Girls' School In Algiers" & another: "Triumphal Procession of Schir Singh, A Chief of The Sikhs" both having related articles within. And the back page has two prints: "Cemetery & Tomb of Sidi Abderahman at Algiers" and: "Algiers, From the Parade Ground" with a related article.
Also a nice print: "Prairie Scene, Emigrants Traveling Overland to California" with a related article as well.
Sixteen pages, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War