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Washington proclaims an end to hostilities in the Revolutionary War...
Washington proclaims an end to hostilities in the Revolutionary War...
Item # 689607
June 09, 1783
* General George Washington letter
* Announcing the end of hostilities
* American Revolutionary War ending
Certainly the most significant content takes almost an entire column of page 3, which has George Washington's letter announcing a cessation of hostilities in the Revolutionary War.
It is prefaced with a note stating: "The following is a copy of the Orders issued by General Washington to his troops on the arrival of the information that the Preliminaries of Peace had been agreed to between the States and this country."
The letter is dated "Head Quarters, April 18, 1783" and is signed in type at its conclusion: G. Washington. It begins: "The Commander in Chief orders the cessation of hostilities between the United States of America and the King of Great Britain to be publicly proclaimed to-morrow...will render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for over-ruling the wrath of man to his own glory, & causing the rage of war to cease among the nations...". Washington cautions that: "Although the Proclamation before alluded to extends only to the prohibition of hostilities & not to the annunciation of a general peace...puts a period to a long & doubtful contest, stops the effusion of human blood, opens the prospect to a more splendid scene...".
Much more follows as he congratulates the Army, noting that those who have performed the "...meanest office..." have participated in a great drama "...on the stage of human affairs...Nothing now remains but for the actors of this mighty Scene to preserve a perfect, unvarying, consistency of character through the very last act; to close the Drama with applause; and to retire from the Military Theatre with the same approbation of Angels and men which have crowned all their former virtuous actions." The report ends with: "An extra ration of liquor to be issued to every man tomorrow, to drink Perpetual Peace, Independence and Happiness to the United States of America." Be sure to read the full text to appreciate one of the more beautifully written documents of the 18th century.
Terrific to have this significant document, with Washington's official letter to his fellow officers announcing the end of hostilities in this British newspaper.
Pages 2 and 3 have additional reports concerning the Revolutionary War as seen in the photos.
Four pages, great condition.
Category: Revolutionary War