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Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
Item # 689046
March 09, 1861
* Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
The front page has text on: "Our Portrait of the President" which relates to the terrific double page centerfold captioned: "Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, With Scenes & Incidents in His Life."
The large central portrait shows Lincoln beardless, and surrounding it are 18 smaller prints of Lincoln's earlier life.
This large print is tipped-in (preferred) meaning no tiny binding holes at the fold. However, this doublepage has staining and loss at both the top and bottom margins causing some loss to the caption (see photos). The balance of this print is in generally nice condition with the expected minor foxing spots. A terrific item for display.
Most of the front page is taken up with a very nice print captioned: "Jefferson Davis, First President of the New Southern Confederacy" with a related article on him, carrying over to page 2.
Also within are prints of: "Front Parlor in Abraham Lincoln's House, Springfield, Ill." and "Sitting Room In Abraham Lincoln's House, Springfield, Ill." with related articles headed: "Mr. Lincoln's House" as well as: "The President Elect on His Way to Washington".
And there is yet another print: "Abraham Lincoln, the President Elect, Raising the Stars & Stripes Over Independence Hall, Philadelphia".
Sixteen pages, minor foxing save for the margin damage noted above & as shown in the photos. Price dramatically less than the $700+ it commands in nice condition.
Category: Yankee