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North Carolina secession report in a North Carolina newspaper...
North Carolina secession report in a North Carolina newspaper...
Item # 688320
May 22, 1861
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 22, 1861
* North Carolina secession
* American Civil War
Certainly the most notable report is the pg. 2 news headed: "Secession Of North Carolina!" "One of The Confederates States" "North Carolina Free--Lincoln's Military Despotism Repudiated" which also includes the two "Ordinance" reports for secession and for ratifying the Confederate Constitution.
Relating to this page 2 also has: "The passage of the secession ordinance by the Convention of the state of North Carolina was celebrated here yesterday by the firing of 11 guns...At 12 o'clock the official report of the passage of the ordinance of secession, and also the ordinance adopting the Confederate Constitution was received when an additional salute of about 90 guns was fired near town hall..." with more on this. Also: "The election for the ratification or rejection of the secession ordinance passed by the Virginia Convention takes place to-morrow...".
Additionally: "Congress Adjourned!" "The Seat of Government Removed To Richmond!" with more.
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Confederate