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Very angry letter written to General Gage...

Item # 687201

June 14, 1775


* At the beginning of the Revolutionary War
* Angry letter to British General Thomas Gage

The entire third column of the front page and half a column on page 2 are taken up with a terrific & very critical letter addressed: "To the Perfidious, the Truce Breaking Thomas Gage" which begins: "It is difficult to know how to address such a monster, the language necessary...must be shocking & truly humiliating to human nature..." with much more.
A report from Portsmouth, N.H., begins: "Upon this unwarrantable transaction, the inhabitants of this & the neighbouring town were greatly alarmed; and the next morning between 5 or 600 men in arms went down to the battery called Jerry's Point & brought off 8 cannon..." & more. Another item from Cambridge notes in part: "...the day agreed on for the exchange of prisoners...Dr. Warren and Brig. General Putnam..." with more.
Page 3 has an item noting: "We have the pleasure to inform the public that the Grand American Army is nearly compleated..." and further on: "While the Provincials were clearing Noddle's and Hog Island of their stock...one of the largest men of war kept a constant fire on them...". The back page has: "...a copy of the agreement subscribed by Capt. (now Col.) Arnold & his company of 50 persons when they set out from Connecticut & went volunteers to the assistance of the provincials at Cambridge." referring to Benedict Arnold.
Also an item from Congress in Phila. concerning: "That no provisions or necessaries of any king be exported to the island of Nantucket except from the colony of Massachusetts...".
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, handsome engraving in the masthead, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War