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Charles Bulfinch's first major project...
Charles Bulfinch's first major project...
Item # 686875
October 27, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 27, 1798
* Charles Bulfinch designs Federal Street Theatre
* First American-born professional architect
The front page has an address: "To the President of the United States" from the officers of the Guilford Regiment of militia, relating to the troubling relationship with France. It is followed by his "Answer" signed in type: John Adams.
Inside has a lengthy: "Proclamation for a Day of Public Thanksgiving" signed in script type by the governor: Increase Sumner. Also a report on: "The New Federal Theatre" which just reopened after a fire. The theater, now known as the Federal St. Theatre, was designed by Charles Bulfinch, the first professionally designed theater in the U.S. designed by a native architect.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's