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John Adams and the Bank of the United States...
John Adams and the Bank of the United States...
Item # 686859
July 21, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 21, 1798
* President John Adams signed act
* Bank of the United States fraud
The front page has half a column take up with: "An Act to Punish Frauds committed on the Bank of the United States" signed in script type: John Adams.
Page 2 has a document headed: "John Adams, President of the United States of America: To All Whom It May Concern" which is signed by him in script type: John Adams.
Page 2 also has: "Lieut. Gen. Washington has reviewed a body of troops at Alexandria. He was in complete uniform. We have accounts of the arrival of the Secretary at War at Georgetown on a mission to the Commander in Chief." Washingtonn had recently accepted the post of Commander in Chief of the Army.
Also: "Yesterday the Frigate United States of 44 guns, commodore Barry and the Delaware sloop of war of 16 guns, Capt. Decatur, anchored in the lower harbor. The Constitution had her foretopsail loose all day yesterday. She will sail, we think, this day, with her consorts."
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's