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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President: a day after report...

Item # 686699

May 26, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins
* George Washington elected president

An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention--terrific to have in a newspaper from the city where these notable proceedings were held.
As such, this is likely the first newspaper to report this event, which significantly includes the election of George Washington as its President. This event would presage his election as President of the United States in less than two years.
From Philadelphia is a report datelined May 26 with the historic report: "Yesterday, at the State House in this city, seven states were fully represented in Convention: These forming a quorum, they proceeded to the choice of a President, and his Excellency General Washington was unanimously elected to that important station.
Major William Jackson, we hear, was at the same time appointed Secretary to this Honorable Board."

Note that Washington's election was on the 25th, and this newspaper is dated the 26th.
Following this are various reports on events in Congress dated March 28, April 9 and 11.
Complete in four pages, 9 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, in excellent condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's