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Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...
Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...
Item # 686207
November 09, 1813
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Nov. 9, 1813 Nice heraldic eagle engraving in the masthead. The ftpg. has three Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.
The Acts of Congress continue on page 2 with eleven more, each signed in type by: James Madison. One is for allowing the President to buy new furniture for the White House, and another is "To establish the town of Mobile a port of entry."
Also on pages 2 & 3 are: "The Victory on Land" "Indian Cartel" "A Proclamation" signed by: Wm. H. Harrison, and more.
Four pages, scattered browning, never bound nor trimmed.
Category: Pre-Civil War