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Playing pool in a Paris cafe...
Playing pool in a Paris cafe...
Item # 678984
May 04, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York May 4, 1872 The full front page has 4 political cartoons: "Shakespeare on the 'Liberal' Campaign of Slander".
Almost a fullpg: "Playing Pool in a Paris Cafe". Another full page: "A Modern Version of the Good Samaritan"; a 3/4 page print: "At The Door of the Opera House"; a full page Nast cartoon: "It Is The Immediate Jewel of Her Soul"; half pg: "Burmese Musicians".
Small back page political cartoon: "The Farmer Candidate En Route" showing Horace Greeley riding a pig.
Complete in sixteen pages, wear at the margins, some light soiling is mainly at the margins.
Category: 1870-1879