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SS Athenia torpedoed... America stays out of World War II...

Item # 675124

September 04, 1939

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Sept. 4, 1939 

* SS Athenia sinking (1st report)
* 1st British ship sunk by Germany
* World War II at the beginning
* Britain and France entering the war

The front page banner headline announces: "SHIP IS TORPEDOED" with subheads: "Declare War On Nazis" "Britain & France Put Mighty Forces Into Action When Hitler Spurns Plea" 
"Nazis In savage Attack on Poland" and more.
Also: "246 Americans Were on Board" the British liner Athenia. Also a ftpg. photo of: "President Roosevelt Calls Nation To Work For Peace and Unity".
Eight pages, nice condition.

Category: World War II