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U-2 spy Francis Gary Powers is sentenced in Moscow...

Item # 674840

August 19, 1960

THE DETROIT NEWS, Aug. 19, 1960  The bold banner headlines announce: "10 YRS. FOR POWERS" "Flier Is Silent at Sentence; Wife Weeps" and subhead: "American Escapes Death; Court Cites Repentance" with a photo showing pilot Gary Powers waling into a Moscow court.
Francis Gary Powers was an American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency U-2 spy plane was shot down while flying a reconnaissance mission in Soviet Union airspace, causing the 1960 U-2 incident.
The ftpg. also has a curious article: "Blond Sets Sights on Space as First Woman Astronaut". But it would be Sally Ride who, 23 years later, would become America's first woman astronaut (a Russian woman flew in 1963).
The complete 48 page issue, library stamp in the masthead, minor margin wear, good condition.

Category: The 20th Century