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Early artist view of the Blackwell's Island Bridge...
Early artist view of the Blackwell's Island Bridge...
Item # 674687
May 08, 1897
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, May 8, 1897 The prime feature of this issue is the front page artist's rending of the planned: "THE NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND BRIDGE AT BLACKWELL'S ISLAND, NEW YORK CITY" (aka, 59th Street Bridge or Queensboro Bridge). Additional topics and illustrations include: "A BICYLCE BRIDGE AT TACOMA, WASHINGTON", "THE NAVAL PARADE AT THE DEDICATION OF THE GRANT MONUMENT, NEW YORK" and "PHOTOGRAPH OF A DEER TAKEN BY FLASHLIGHT, THE ANIMAL ITSELF "PRESSING THE BUTTON'', a photo of the "LOG OF THE MAYFLOWER - FACSIMILE OF THE BOOK", and more.
Complete in 16 pages, very good condition.
Category: Post-Civil War