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19th Amendment fails by a single vote...
19th Amendment fails by a single vote...
Item # 673641
October 02, 1918
* 19th Amendment fails by one vote in Senate (see note)
The front page has one column heading: "SENATE DEFEATS EQUAL SUFFRAGE - resolution Fails of Concurrence by one Vote in the Upper House of United States Congress - May Be Revived Later".
Page 5 continues with column 3: "THE SUFFRAGE VOTE - Detail of Senate Ballot Which Defeated the Amendment" including, "The following is a record of the vote cast on the Susan B. Anthony Suffrage amendment in the United States Senate on Monday: ...".
Complete in 18 pages, and in good condition; however, papers from this era are very fragile and should be handled with care.
Note: The record will show the amendment failed by two votes, but this is a mere technicality. When the final roll call was made, the amendment failed by only 1 vote. However, a parliamentary privilege for reconsideration at a later date was set into motion when the sponsor of the bill was permitted to change his vote to a "nay" as well.
Category: The 20th Century