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Terrific article on the life & character of Bonaparte...
Terrific article on the life & character of Bonaparte...
Item # 667228
November 23, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1816 Inside has a terrific article: "Remarks on Bonaparte" which takes over two pages. There is considerable detail on his character, actions, and life, the report beginning: "It is now time that the people of this country should be made acquainted with the real character of that extraordinary man...".
Some of the paragraphs begin: "No fact distinguishes the life of Bonaparte more than this one, that he has had more friends--friends more inflexibly & enthusiastically attached to him...". "I will not undertake to assert that Bonaparte was popular in France during the last years of his reign, or at his return from Elba..." "It is impossible, in general terms, to describe Napoleon's manner because it was perpetually varied..." "Of his moral character it is, perhaps, unnecessary to speak. He had faults & many glorious ones too..." with much more.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 inches, minor foxing, good condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War