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The Quakers of New York send thanks to the Queen of England for repealing the "cruel law"...

Item # 666858

September 29, 1707

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 29, 1707  The front page begins with an: "...address of the people call'd Quakers in Long Island, and near Connecticut colony...presented to Her Majesty...".
The document notes in part: "We, the dutiful & loyal subjects of the Queen called Quakers, inhabiting in Long Island and places adjacent, and near Connecticut Colony think our selves happy that we are under the benign influences of her grace...pleased not to despise nor neglect the meanest of her subjects...in the relief we enjoy by the repealing that cruel law made in Connecticut colony leveled against us..." with a bit more.
Single sheet, 7 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's