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A Jefferson Davis Proclamation... Beauregard... Shiloh...

Item # 666668

April 11, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 11, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page is completely filled with ads while much of pages 2 & 3 have war-related reports. Included is the always interesting editorial, which begins: "From every quarter comes the same news. The enemy are drawing their troops from the counties they have overrun...They are concentrating every regiment they can command on two points--Corinth and Richmond--and hope to decide the war by two stunning blows..." with much more.
Other items include a letter signed in type by: G. T. Beauregard, "The Fort Donelson Prisoners in the North--List of Killed, Wounded & Sick" which takes 1 1/2 columns; "The Official Report of Flag Officer Buchanan of the Exploits of the Virginia" "The Battle of Shiloh--3000 Prisoners Taken" "Van Dorn at Corinth--The Prospect Ahead" "Interesting News From the Peninsula" "Who Planned the Virginia" "The Financial Policy of the Government" "and reports from: "The Confederate Congress" among many other items. Also, page 3 has a: "Proclamation" signed in type by the President of the Confederacy: Jefferson Davis, in which he extends martial law over Eastern Tennessee.
Most of the back page is taken up with the printing of may Acts of Congress from the Confederacy. Four pages, never bound nor trimmed (desired), very nice condition.

Category: Confederate