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Cardinal Michael von Faulbaber hits at Nazis...

Item # 638500

February 11, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 11, 1935

* Michael von Faulhaber - Roman Catholic Cardinal
* Archbishop of Munich opposes Nazi government

The front page has a one column heading: "CARDINAL IN THREAT TO CUT OFF NAZIS" with subheads. (see) See below for more information. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high quality newsprint, with a high percentage of cotton & linen content, allowing the issues to remain very white & sturdy into the present. Given the subscription cost, libraries & institutions rather than individuals were the primary subscribers of these high-quality editions. Nice condition.

wikipedia notes: During religious services on February 10, 1935 in Munich, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber protested the Nazis' recent action of confiscating letters from church dignitaries to Catholic parents. The letters were written in regard to the pressure from the government to withdraw children from Catholic schools and send them to Nazi-controlled public schools instead. "It is useless for the government to violate the freedom of the church and intercept its mail", Faulhaber said. "The Apostle Paul was placed in chains, but his letters went around the world. Whoever passes laws and ordinances against the Catholic Church is liable to excommunication."

Category: The 20th Century