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Florida described...
Florida described...
Item # 623525 THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1766 A very nice and detailed article is: "An Account of East Florida" (see), taking over a full page. Other articles include: "Laws Ill Executed with respect ot Vagabonds" "Miraculous Cure of a Consumption" "Charter Granted to the East India Company" ; much on: "Finances of this Kingdom" "Letters on the High Price of Provisions" "On the Doctrine of Original Sin" and more.
Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news reports of the day including a report of the Indians visiting London, and an encounter which included: "...among whom was a woman out of her senses...struck him three or four blows...crying out at the same time 'You scalp'd my husband! you scalp'd my husband! '. The poor Indian woman trembled..." with more (see).
Lacking the plate called for.
Complete in 56 pages, 5 by 8 inches with full title/contents page featuring an engraving of St. John's Gate, very nice condition.
A nice issue of this very famous & successful British magazine from this significant year of the Stamp Act, and some ten years before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's