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1930 Southern Cross... Charles Kingsford Smith...

Item # 618816

June 27, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 27, 1930

* Southern Cross airplane flight
* Fokker F.VII trimotor monoplane
* Charles Kingsford Smith

The front page has four column healdine: "OCEAN FLIERS LAND AT ROOSEVELT FIELD AFTER CIRCLING CITY; 10,000 RUSH PLANE; KINGSFORD-SMITH TELLS FLIGHT DETAILS" with subheads and photos. Much more inside with a full page pictorial. Loads of text. 1st report coverage on the Southern Cross flight from Harbor Grace to New York City.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 44 pages, rag edition in very nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century