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1862 Fredericksburg Virginia...
1862 Fredericksburg Virginia...
Item # 214617
November 11, 1862
THE NEW YORK TIMES from New York, NY and dated November 11, 1862.
* Recapture of Fredericksburg
* Burnside Assumes Command from McClellan
* Recapture of Fredericksburg
* Burnside Assumes Command from McClellan
This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "RECAPTURE OF FREDERICKSBURG" "A Brilliant Dash by a Detachment of Bayard's Cavalry" "FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC" "Gen. McClellan to Leave for the North Today" "Farewell to the Officers at Headquaters" "General Burnside's Address on Assuming Command" "Official Report of the Operations at Coosahatchie" "OPERATIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA" and much more. A nice piece of history from this famous newspaper.
Category: Yankee