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Boxing - Fight of the Century...
Boxing - Fight of the Century...
Item # 177570
July 16, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 16, 1910
The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Late Chief Justice Fuller."
This issue has an illustration of "Lionization--Speculation --Perturbation" by J. Campbell Cory and there is a photo of "The End of the Fight of the Century", Jeffries and Johnson at Reno. There is also a photo of "The Many-Sided Wife of a Genius--Mme. Georgette Leblanc Maeterlinck" and the double page illustration is of "A Nap is Beneficial to Some People" by W. B. King. Also included in this issue is a photo of "Any Port in a Storm" plus much more.
Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century. This issue is in very good condition. The issue also contains the color cover page, which is often not present.
Category: Harper's Weekly