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Item # 177567

June 04, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1910

The front page of this issue has a photo of "Where Death Was King."

This issue has an illustration of "Uncle Sam: 'Say, Bonehead, You're Trying to Hold This Up and I'm Going to Push it Down--If You Value Your Anatomy Just Shift Your Position a Trifle" by Kemble. There are photo spreads of "From Father to Son on England's Throne"; "Laying Britain's Beloved King to Rest" and there is a photo of "A Hammerstein Star." There is an article with photos and illustrations of "The Turn in Racing" by Herbert Lytle. The double page illustration is of "The Unbidden Guest" by W. H. D. Koerner and there is a full page illustration of "The Man She Left Behind Her" by Earle J. Coville plus much more.

Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century. 

Category: Harper's Weekly