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Tornado destruction at Brooklyn & Pittsburgh...
Tornado destruction at Brooklyn & Pittsburgh...
Item # 175362
January 19, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 19, 1889 The front cover contains an illustration entitled "Americans in Paris - the the Flower Market at the Madeleine". Within the issue is a full page "The New Club-House of the Players"; a double-page centerfold shows destruction by tornadoes at Pittsburgh, Reading, Brooklyn and Niagara. A half-page: 'Birds-eye view of the Projected Nicaragua Canal'. A 3/4 page illustration "Canadian Artillery in Winter".
This is complete in twenty pages (not including the Supplement), and contains additional prints and related text.
The Supplement: "The City of Aspen, Colorado" including the doublepage "Aspen and It Surroundings" is not included.
Category: 1880-1889