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Nasts political cartoon on the front page...
Nasts political cartoon on the front page...
Item # 174394
October 18, 1879
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 18, 1879 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "Death at the Polls, and Free From 'Federal Interference'." Inside is a 1/4 pg. illus. of "Duck Shooting." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Barnegat Fisherman Moving to the Main Land for the Winter." 2/3 pg. illus. of "The Bala Hissar and City of Cabool, from the Upper Part of the Citadel."
Doublepage centerfold of "An Archery Meeting." 1/4 pg. illus. of "The O'Leary Belt." Full pg. Nast illus. of "Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori." Supplement contains a 2/3 pg. illus. of "Modes of Travel In Central America."
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. This issue is complete in 16 pages and is in good condition.
Category: 1870-1879