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Custer's Massacre... Thomas Nast prints...

Item # 174054

July 22, 1876

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 22, 1876  The entire front page is a nice political cartoon by famed artist Thomas Nast, captioned: "The Democratic (Deformed) Tiger 'Fixed' ".
Within this issue is over a full column article headed: "The Montana Slaughter", which in addition to follow up work by General Crook also gives an account of the Custer Massacre of June 25 (see photos). This same page features a half page map captioned: "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Showing The Scene of the Massacre of General Custer's Troops & the Indian Reservations & Military Posts in the Western Portion of the United States."  Additionally there is a full page with 5 prints captioned: "The Sioux Campaign--Scenes & Incidents". There is also a nice quarter-page print of "George A. Custer".
Other prints including a full page: 'The Centennial Fourth - Illumination of Independence Hall, Philadelphia'; a full page: "The Centennial Fourth - Illumination of Madison Square, New York"; a half page map of the Gold regions of the Black Hills showing the scene of Custer's Massacre.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1870-1879