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Nast political cartoons... A meeting of former slaves...
Nast political cartoons... A meeting of former slaves...
Item # 173642
August 10, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 10, 1872 The full ftpg. is a Thomas Nast political cartoon captioned: "Any Thing To Get In." Inside has a full page: "A Negro Camp- Meeting in the South" showing many African-Americans. Also: "The Right Honorable the Earl of Dufferin, the New Governor-General of Canada"; a halfpg; "University Boat Race at Springfield, Mass."; a fullpg. Nast cartoon: "The Cat's Pay - Any Thing to Get Chestnuts."; a halfpg: "Blue Fishing" "the Yacht Race" and more prints.
Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1870-1879