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Winslow Homer Print... Liberty Bell...

Item # 173320

July 10, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 10, 1869  The front full page illustration is of "The Memory of Seventy-Six." Inside is a full page illustration by Thomas Nast entitled "All hail and Farewell to the Pacific Railroad." A quarterpage illustration "Liberty Bell" also has an accompany article. A halfpage illustration of "British Troops Firing on the Citizens of Boston, February, 1775." which is a fac-simile of an old engraving by Paul Revere. A fullpage illustration is of "Fireworks in the Country." A halfpage illustration is of "Minot's Ledge Light-House, off Boston Harbor." Small portrait of "Francisco Serrano, Regent of Spain." A halfpage illustration is of "Patent Office, Washington, D.C. - Examiners at Work". A halfpage illustration is entitled "Just in Time to be too Late - A Daily Scene at Any of Our Ferries." Winslow Homer Print of "The Summit of Mount Washington" is very displayable.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text. 

Category: 1866-1869