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General Custer attacks the Cheyenne... Ku-Klux Klan...
General Custer attacks the Cheyenne... Ku-Klux Klan...
Item # 173262
December 19, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 19, 1868 The frontpage of this issue features "The 'Kelly Medal'" which shows the front and back of the medal as well as a 1/2 page illustration of the "Presentation of the 'Kelly Medal' at the Public Grammar-School No. 45, New York City". An article "Burning of Fort Lafayette" also features two 1/3 illustrations 'The Seventh U.S. Cavalry Charging into Black Kettle's Village at Daylight, November 27, 1868' and 'General Custer's Command Marching to Attack the Cheyenne Village' and a small illustration of 'Captain Louis M. Hamilton'. A fullpage illustration is of the 'Burning of Ft. Lafayette in N.Y. Harbor'. Two-thirds of a page illustration 'Two members of the Ku-Klux Klan in Their Disguises' A 1/3 page illustration "The Riots at the Election in Blackburn, England" also has an accompanying article. Nice fullpage has 2 scenes: 'The American Velocipede' is two separate illustrations on one page which shows people riding bicycles. A nice displayable illustration is "Winter" which is comprised of several scenes.
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869