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Winslow Homer... Fire-works...

Item # 173216

July 11, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, July 11, 1868 The front page features a full page 'New Tammany Hall, East Fourteenth Street, New York City'. Nearly a half page illustration: 'The 'Little Western' of Chicago Capsizing in Lake Michigan'.and "Vestibule of the Manhattan Club-house, New York - Delegates to the Convention Visiting the Club." Thomas Nast political cartoons "Sickly Democrat"; "The Bundlers" and "The Carpet-Baggers". The doublepage centerfold features two illustrations "Hall and Shooting Grounds of the Schutzenbund at Jones's Wood, New York City" and The Abyssinian War - Exodus of King Theodore's Broken Army from Magdala After Its Destruction"  A full page Winslow Homer print: 'Fire-Works on the Night of the 4th of July'. A halfpage backpage illustration : '4th of July in the Country'
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text. 

Category: Yankee