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Baseball, including a portrait of Lipman Pike? When "Uncle Tom" was not an insult...

Item # 173038

November 03, 1866

HARPER'S  WEEKLY, Nov. 3, 1866 Very nice full ftpg. shows a Black man & his grandchild: 'Uncle Tom & His Grandchild'. Nice fullpg. has 2 scenes of: 'View of the City & Harbor of Quebec', one after the great fire. Another halfpg. view of: 'St. Roch, Quebec'. Great fullpg. baseball print: 'The Atlantic Baseball Club of Brooklyn, & the Athletics of Philadelphia' shows 18 players in uniform.  One of the members of this 1866 Athletics was a famous Jewish ball player named Lipman Pike. Some sources say that Pike was baseball's first professional player as well as the game's first home run champion. The website for the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame has a portrait of Pike, and there is a distinct possibility that one of the individuals in the mentioned print is Pike (second row, third from the right). Displayable!
Complete in sixteen pages.

Category: 1866-1869