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Battle of Cedar Mountain, Stonewall Jackson, and more...
Battle of Cedar Mountain, Stonewall Jackson, and more...
Item # 172602
August 30, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 30, 1862 The full front page is a print of: "Brigadier-General Michael Corcoran, Late Colonel 69th Regiment New York State Militia". Prints inside include: "John Morgan's Highwaymen Sacking a Peaceful Village in the West" "Negroes Building Stockades Under the Recent Act of Congress" "The Late General R. L. M'Cook" "The Rebel General Stonewall Jackson" "The Army of Virginia--Contrabands [slaves] Coming In To Colonel Cluseret's Headquarters" "...Siegel's Corps Being Reviewed By Major-General Pope" "The City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana".
The doublepage centerfold is an expansive view of the: "Battle of Cedar Mountain Fought Aug. 9, 1862".
The back page has 3 political cartoons including: "Scene General Headquarters, Richmond" & "Strange Effect of the Draft". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War