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The Alabama delegation secedes from the Union...

Item # 172440

February 09, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 9, 1861  The full front page is a print of: "The Seceding Alabama Delegation In Congress" showing nine men. Text on the men takes over half of page 2.
Other prints within include: "Captain J. G. Foster, Engineer Corps U.S.A., On Duty at Fort Sumter" "Arrival of the United States Steam Sloop 'Niagara' At Jeddo, Japan, with the Japanese Ambassadors on Board..." "The Old Indian Agency at Des Moines, Iowa"; a half page map of: "The Harbor of Pensacola, Florida, Showing the Forts, Navy Yard, etc." "The City of Montgomery, Alabama, Showing the State House Where the Congress of the Southern Confederacy Meets on February 4, 1861" "Interior of Fortress Monroe, Virginia" "The City of Vicksburg, Mississippi, Where the Battery Was Raised to Stop Passing Vessels" "The New Iron-plated Warship 'Warrior' As She Will Be..." "The New Iron-plated Warship 'La Gloire' As She Will Be."
There is also a serialized portion of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Most of the back page is taken up with 5 cartoons headed: "The North And The South". Complete in 16 pages.

Category: The Civil War