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Daniel Sickles letter... Battle of Solferino...
Daniel Sickles letter... Battle of Solferino...
Item # 172280
July 30, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 30, 1859 The front page features a half page illustration of "The Late Prince Metternich" with an accompanying article. Inside contains a full page map of "The Seat of War in Italy, Showing the Famous Austrian Quadrilateral." The continuation of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. Two half page illustrations of "The Emperor Directing the Boltigeurs of the Guard to Take Solferino" and "The Battle of Solferino-General View" are featured in the doublepage centerfold. Full page illustration of "How the Turcos Fight-Battle At Solferino."
Under the "Domestic Intelligence" column is a letter written by Daniel E Sickles in which he had written to the editor of the New York Herald to vindicate himself.
Sixteen pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text. See photos for details.
Category: 1857-1860