Home > 1890 Newspaper with Cover Prints of CROQUET in Norwich
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1890 Newspaper with Cover Prints of CROQUET in Norwich

Item # 152721

September 06, 1890

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York Sept. 6, 1890  the front page is a great print showing; "Croquet in Connecticut--The Prize Tournament at Norwich" which includes 4 comic scenes as well. Among the prints inside are: "A Turpentine Still near New Berne" "A Watermelon Auction on the North River Front, New York City" "Honors to Ericsson..." concerning his funeral; "Alaska--Sketches from the Leslie's...Expedition" has  4 scenes; "Black Bass Fishing on Lake Bonita, Mount McGregor, New York" is a great fishing print (see); and more.
Twenty pages, good condition.

Category: Post-Civil War