Web Results (78)



A naval skirmish...

Item #694039

January 23, 1759

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, January 23, 1759  Page 5 begins with a report datelined from New York noting in part: "...the Royal Hester, privateer...of 16 guns...fell in with three large French ships bound from Canada to the Cape, whom she so warmly engaged as at length to be obliged to sheer off..." with more on the naval encounter.

Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice con... See More  

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Paul Revere engraved the masthead... Battle of Alamance...

Item #687196

January 23, 1772

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Boston, Jan. 23, 1772 

* Paul Revere masthead engraving

* Pre American Revolutionary War

* Battle of Alamance - North Carolina

This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era. An ardent patriot, Thomas was a constant target of the Royalist government. He began his ne... See More  

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During Washington's administration...

Item #698432

January 23, 1793

THE MAIL; OR CLAYPOOLE'S DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1793  

* 18th century American publication

* During George Washington's presidency

A typical newspaper of the day from during George Washington's administration. The back has no fewer than three runaway reward ads, with details.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, very nice condition.... See More  

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Details on a ship wreck... Death of a governor...

Item #697403

January 23, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Jan. 23, 1796  Various news reports of the day including a page 3 item: "A Grand Victory Obtained by the Austrians and: "Ship Wreck" with much detail. Also a report of the death of Samuel Huntington, governor of Connecticut, with much detail on the funeral.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, good condition.

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The Rail Road...

Item #571046

January 23, 1830

NATIONAL GAZETTE AND LITERARY REGISTER, Philadelphia, January 23, 1830  Page 4 features an article entitled "The Rail Road" which reports "The Rail road from Pratt street to the Carrollton Viaduct presented on Saturday a scene of enlivened and animating interest. A vast crowd of persons, attracted by the beauty and mildness of the day, and a number of members of Congress includ... See More  

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Scottish immigrant newspaper...

Item #578308

January 23, 1841

THE SCOTTISH JOURNAL, New York, Jan. 23, 1841

* Rare title for Scotland immigrants

Obviously a paper which has a focus on the Scottish heritage of Americans in the New York City area, but other content as well. A deep & decorative masthead (see photo) makes this issue displayable.

Eight pages, 10 1/2 by 15 inches, some rubbing along the central fold, generally nice.... See More  

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Horace Greeley supports William Harrison...

Item #690529

January 23, 1841

THE LOG CABIN, New York, Jan. 23, 1841 

* William Henry Harrison

* Rare campaign publication

The famous campaign newspaper published by Horace Greeley in support of William Henry Harrison in the 1840 election.

The content is almost entirely political & includes: "Government Officers, Agents, and Salaries" "The Public Lands" "The Loco-Focos Proper" &qu... See More  

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Massacre at Cawnpore...

Item #172122

January 23, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1858  The full front page illustration is entitled: 'In The Bitter Cold'. "Hon. Charles O'Conor" with an accompanying article. "The Great Massacre at Cawnpore" also features two illustrations; "The House in Which the Women and Children were Slaughtered at Cawnpore" and "The Arrest of the Missionaries by ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Second rate also available for:


Early plans for a channel tunnel connecting England & France... New York firemen...

Item #636440

January 23, 1858

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Jan. 23, 1858  Inside includes a few prints of: "The Great Earthquake at Naples" "Sketches of Native Life In India" "American Firemen" which includes 3 prints, one a nice full page; "Torchlight Procession of the New York Firemen" pulling a fire engine.

Perhaps the most interesting content is the: "Proposed Tunnel ... See More  

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The Pemberton Mills tragedy...

Item #585584

January 23, 1860

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 23, 1860 

* Pemberton Mill disaster

* Lawrence Massachusetts MA

* Roof Collapse

The first column on the front page has; "More Of The Lawrence Massacre" "Further Particulars as to the Pemberton Mills" "Graphic Descriptions of the Other Mills--Condition of the Operatives--Their Pay--Influx of Foreign Operatives, etc." with the... See More  

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Confederate New Orleans...

Item #667192

January 23, 1862

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan. 23, 1862

* Rare Confederate title from the deep South

* News from Richmond, Pensacola, forts Henry & Donelson

Front page has: "Letter From Richmond" "From Pensacola". Inside has: "The Government & the War" "Late Northern Intelligence""From Our Army in the West" "Affairs at Forts Hen... See More  

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Documents signed by two future Presidents...

Item #688012

January 23, 1862

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1862 

* Rare pro-Confederate publication

Articles include: "Exciting News from Kentucky" has 2 dispatches signed by: J.A. Garfield, Colonel, the future President; "Gen. Grant's Proclamation to His Soldiers" is signed: U.S. Grant; and much more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to... See More  

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1863 Kinston, North Carolina...

Item #219129

January 23, 1863

THE NEW YORK TIMES from New York, NY and dated January 23, 1863.

* Fredericksburg Virginia  

* Kinston North Carolina

This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported wh
... See More  

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General Burnside across the Rappahannock...

Item #620004

January 23, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Jan. 23, 1863  Among the many front page column heads on the Civil War are: "News From the South" "Wilmington or Weldon Threatened" "Attack on Fort Caswell" "Advance Against Fredericksburg" "The Plan of the Attack" "General Burnside Reported Across the Rappahannock" and much more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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Civil War news from the Confederacy...

Item #683386

January 23, 1863

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, Jan. 23, 1863 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

Printed in the dateline is: "Confederate States of America", this being one of only a few such newspapers which did so.

Among ftpg. column heads are: "Official Dispatch from Gen. Bragg--More Brilliant Exploits of Gens. Wheeler and Forrest" which is signed in type: Br... See More  

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Latest reports from the field of battle...

Item #690944

January 23, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 23, 1863  

* Post Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" "Gen. Burnside Again Across the Rappahannock" "Gen. Hooker's Corps Thrown Over Above Fredericksburg" "Gen. Burnside's Address to the Army Before Moving" "News From Rebel Sources" &q... See More  

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Jeff Davis' address, and much more...

Item #697226

January 23, 1863

WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, January 23, 1863  This is a very rare title from the Confederacy. According to Brigham only four institutions in the United States have any holdings of this title from the Civil War, most just a few scattered issues. The American Antiquarian Society has no issues recorded from this era.

The front page includes some items relating to the Civil War in... See More  

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Slaves being liberated...

Item #172748

January 23, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1864  The full front page is a dramatic print: "Sufferings In A Snow-Storm on the Michigan Central". Inside has full page prints: "Colored Troops Under General Wild, Liberating Slaves In North Carolina" and "Under The Flag".

Other prints within include: "Hon. Leland Stanford, President of Central Pacific Railroad&q... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Published by Charles Dickens... a 6 issue set...

A White Hand and a Black Thumb...

Item #205271

January 23, 1864

Harper's WEEKLY, January 23 - March 5, 1864  This is a six issue set of Harper's Weekly issues containing all 6 installments of "A White Hand and a Black Thumb", by Henry Spicer, originally published by Charles Dickens' in All the Year Round.  The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.  The individual issues are described... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


1864 Union Soldier Hanged...

Item #218671

January 23, 1864

THE NEW YORK TIMES from New York, NY and dated January 23, 1864.

* Union Soldier Hanged
This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "A Union
... See More  

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Item #538765

January 23, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY dated Janaury 23, 1864 (print only)

This is a single-page print. The page contains an engraving entitled "'Sufferings in a Snow-Storm on the Michigan Central". See photos for details.

The print size is approximately 11 x 15.75 inches.

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Matagorda Peninsula expedition... Texas...

Item #593781

January 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 23, 1864  Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From the Gulf", "The Expedition to the Matagorda Peninsula", "The Granite City Shells the Rebels & Scatters Them", "Meade's Army", "General Kelley's Dept.", and more.

Additional Civil War reporting is found throughout.

Eight pag... See More  

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Print of Fort Fisher...

Item #678959

January 23, 1864

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Jan. 23, 1864  This famous British newspaper formatted much like Harper's Weekly has a print on the American Civil War.

Inside has nearly as half page print captioned; "The War in America: Fort Fisher, Commanding the New Inlet Entrance to Cape Fear River..." with a related article on the same page.

Complete in 16 pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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Matagorda Peninsula expedition... Texas...

Item #692926

January 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 23, 1864  Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From the Gulf", "The Expedition to the Matagorda Peninsula", "The Granite City Shells the Rebels & Scatters Them", "Meade's Army", "General Kelley's Dept.", and more.

Other Civil War related reporting is found throughout. 

... See More  

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Wilmington, North Carolina....

Item #593048

January 23, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Jan. 23, 1865  Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "From Wilmington" "Report that the Rebels have Set $30 Million worth of Cotton on Fire & Evacuated the Place..." "From Gen. Sherman's Army" "Evacuation of Pocotaligo by the Rebels" "Sherman Determined to Annihilate South Carolina" Dreadful Cata... See More  

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Interesting proposal for a reunion of the country...

Item #682957

January 23, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Jan. 23, 1865  Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald. Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SOUTH" "A Novel Basis for Reunion Proposed" "Northern & Southern Armies to Unite & Capture Mexico and Canada" "The Monroe Doctrine Run Riot" "NORTH CAROLINA" "F... See More  

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Winter illustrations...

Item #173272

January 23, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1869  The full front page is a print of: "The Harp Girl." Inside is a one-third page print of: "Hon. William Claflin, Governor of Massachusetts" plus a half page print: "The Fur Trapper"; a quarter page print of: "Hon. John W. Menard, Colored Congressman from Louisiana" with a small accompanying article. 

... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


John Menard, African-American congressman from Louisiana...

Item #698899

January 23, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1869  The full front page is a print of: "The Harp Girl." Inside is a one-third page print of: "Hon. William Claflin, Governor of Massachusetts" plus a half page print: "The Fur Trapper"; a quarter page print of: "Hon. John W. Menard, Colored Congressman from Louisiana" with a small accompanying article. 

... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Libel charges against Woodhull & Claflin...

Item #676367

January 23, 1873


* Victoria Woodhull

* Tennessee Celeste Claflin

* Indictments for libel

The very bottom of the front page has a brief yet notable report headed: "Woodhull and Claflin Again Arrested" noting: "...were again arrested yesterday and locked up over night on not giving bail for fresh charges of libel. They were to-day he... See More  

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A new potato planter...

Item #152021

January 23, 1875

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 23, 1875  This issue has front page illustration(s) of the: "MEWBORNE'S IMPROVED POTATO PLANTER". These illustration(s) also have related text as well. This issue is 16 pages and in nice condition.

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General Phil Sheridan...

Item #173898

January 23, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 23, 187 5 Full front pg. illus. of "Alfonso XII. of Spain, and His Mother, Ex-Queen Isabella." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "Drawing his Sword for the Political Roman Church."

Doublepage centerfold entitled "Disaster on the St. Bernard-Overwhelmed by Snow." 1/4 pg. portrait of "Lieutenant General P.H. Sheridan." 1/... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The White League... report to Congress...

Item #581242

January 23, 1875

LOS ANGELES WEEKLY STAR, Los Angeles, California, January 23, 1875  The front page of this issue features "The White League Vindicated" in which it reports "The committee were unable to find any evidence that Republican colored voters were intimidated during the last campaign in Louisiana, or that their civil or political rights were in any way interfered with: that so far as t... See More  

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Toboggan slide at Orange, New Jersey...

Item #175050

January 23, 1886

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1886  Full ftpg. Thomas Nast political cartoon: "The Switcher Switched". Fullpg: "The New Toboggan Slide at Orange, New Jersey".

Doublepage centerfold is a very nice interior view of: "The House of Representatives". Two half page prints: "Excavating for the New Line of the Baltimore and Ohio" and "Transfe... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Second rate also available for:


Item #203890

January 23, 1886

THE CHRISTIAN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, New York,  January 23, 1886.  A great issue for framing and displaying!

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Tuxedo, New York...

Item #175676

January 23, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1892  Front full page illus. of "In a Public Dispensary - Treating Patients of La Grippe." Inside are two 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Late Duke of Clarence and Avondale" and "The Late Cardinal Giovanni Simeoni."

Doublepage centerfold of "Battledoor and Shuttlecock at Tuxedo." Several pages of portraits pertainin... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Hudson River tunnel...

Item #593948

January 23, 1892

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 23, 1892  This issue contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day including the following inventions and other: Hudson River Tunnel - Motor Car - Train Car Door - Elevator - Boring Machine - Dumping Car - Weed Puller & much more.

These illustrations also have text that goes along with them. Very interesting adve
... See More  

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The Congressional Library, Washington, D.C...

Item #176198

January 23, 1897

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1897  The front page of this issue has a full page illustration which shows: "3rd U.S. Cavalry--Military tournament, Madison Sq. Garden" plus another full page inside which has 3 illustrations of the same.

The double page centerfold has 6 illustrations of "The Evolution of a Book--John W. Alexander's Decorations for the New Congre... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Second rate also available for:


Item #202475

January 23, 1897

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, January 23, 1897, from New York, New York. This issue contais the following prints, articles, and/or ads: A Theater in New York City with Two Auditoriums; Bell's Household Refrigerator; Irrigation Work on the Navaho Reservation; The Walhalla at Ratisbon; Logging Locomotive for Wooden Track; other articles and many ads. In good condition. See photos for additional details.... See More  

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Early for color newspaper pages...

Item #680557

January 23, 1898

LE PETIT JOURNAL [The Little Newspaper]--Supplement, Paris, France, Jan. 23, 1898  This was a quite successful conservative, daily newspaper published from 1863 to 1944. Beginning in 1884 they did a weekly "Supplement" famous for their color lithograph front and back pages.

Such full page color prints in 19th century issues were rather uncommon. Quite displayable as such.

Complete... See More  

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Still has the canceled stamp and mailing label...

Item #592019

January 23, 1901

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, London, Jan. 23, 1901  An unusual issue as not only is there a canceled postage stamp noting that this issue was shipped to the United States through the mail, but it is applied to a large mailing label which is affixed to the top of the front page of the issue (covers the date but the date is at the top of each interior page). The content within has coverage relating to ... See More  

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Item #177237

January 23, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Rough Riding" by W. A. Rogers; Photo, The Commander-In-Chief of the Army of Panama Swearing Allegiance to the New Republic; Scenes From the Prize Contests in Tobogganing at St. Moritz, Switzerland; Paintings at the National Academy Exhibition and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Manhattan Suspension Bridge... Henry Ford sets speed record...

Item #632054

January 23, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 23, 1904 The front cover has "The Accepted Design for the Manhattan Bridge Across the East River, New York, as it Will Appear When Completed" with an accompanying article.  Inside the issue is: "New Electric Sleeping Car for Service Between Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio"; "New Japanese Armored Cruiser 'Kasaga'; Also Sis... See More  

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The "Trial of the Century"...

Item #678051

January 23, 1907

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 23, 1907

* Harry Thaw & Stanford White

* Murder Trial begins (1st report)

The top of the front page has two column headline: "TRIAL OF HARRY THAW COMMENCED TODAY" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in p... See More  

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The Earthquake in Italy.... James Montgomery Flagg print...

Item #177019

January 23, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1909 (no color wrapper)

The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Ruins of the American Consulate at Messina." Additionally, this issue has photos of "In the Italian Cities of Sorrow"; "When Nature Rises in Her Senseless Wrath"; "Messina, A City That Was"; and "The Flight From the Stricken R... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #177793

January 23, 1915

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, January 23, 1915

This issue has a color cover page before the title page. On the back of the cover page there are several photos from the war.

In this issue, there are several articles including "The Feudal Towns of Texas" by George Creel; "Kitchener of Khartoum" by Harold Begbie; "An Anarchist Church" by Robert Shores; ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Railway electrification project...

Item #632185

January 23, 1915

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, January 23, 1915 The front cover has "Railroad Electrification in the Far West" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "New Light on the Great Toothed Divers of America"; "Military Surgery"; "Installation of a Gas Engine"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements. 

Complete in sixteen pag... See More  

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Viscount James Bryce death in 1922....

Item #218631

January 23, 1922

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, January 23, 1922.

* Viscount James Bryce death w/ photo

This 12 page newspaper has a three line, three column headline on the front page: "VISCOUNT JAMES BRYCE, 83, FAMOUS BRITISH STATESMAN, DIES SUDDENLY IN ENGLAND" with subheads that include: "Long British Embassador To United States" and more. Also a nice two column photo
... See More  

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The development of television...

Item #646877

January 23, 1926

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 23, 1926 

* First television transmission

* John Logie Baird

On the website: "Television History - The first 75 Years" is found: "On January 23, 1926, John Logie Baird (of Scotland) gave the world's first public demonstration of a mechanical television apparatus to approximately 40 members of the Royal Institution at his laboratory on Frit... See More  

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1927 Baylor basketball team disaster....

Item #572477

January 23, 1927

THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, January 23, 1927

* Baylor basketball team (The Immortal Ten)

* Round Rock TX Texas disaster (1st report)

This 28 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include:

* 10 Students Die as Train, Bus Crash

* Crack Athletes of Baylor University Lose Lives in Fatal Accident; Bodies Dragged and Tossed

and more. (see)

Tells of the Bayl... See More  

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Bellevue Ohio bus and trolley disaster....

Item #574863

January 23, 1929

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, January 23, 1929 This 24 page newspaper has a three column photo on the front page with captioned headline: "Snow Storms Blamed In Series of Fatal Rail Accidents In Various Parts of U.S." with subhead. (see)

This tells of the Interurban train (trolley) and bus collision disaster at Bellevue, Ohio.

Other news of the day. Little spine wear, othe... See More  

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Yankees become the first team to decide upon numbers on their jerseys...

Item #697655

January 23, 1929

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 23, 1929  

* New York Yankees baseball team

* Decide to be 1st in MLB to wear numbers

Half of the banner headline at the top of the sports page records an historic event in the world of baseball: "...Yankees to Wear Numbers This Year" with column heads including: "YANKEES TO WEAR NUMBERS THIS YEAR" "Plan of World's Champions Will Be an... See More  

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Berea, Ohio school bus tragedy....

Item #572390

January 23, 1930

THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, New York, January 23, 1930

* Berea OH Ohio

* Train - school bus tragedy

This 24 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "9 PUPILS IN BUS KILLED BY TRAIN", "Driver Also Dies When Central Mailer Rams Vehicle at Crossing"

This tells of the school bus - train disaster at Berea, Ohio.

Other news, sports and advertisem... See More  

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20th Amendment ratified...

Item #604332

January 23, 1933

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, January 23, 1933 

* 20th Amendment ratified - Lame Duck

* Presidential inaugurations now on the 20th of January

The front page has a three column headline: "Lame Duck Congresses Doomed; Missouri, 36th State, Votes Ban" with subhead (see photos). Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in 24 pages... See More  

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1933 Red Grange w/ Green Bay Packers charity game...

Item #619482

January 23, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 23, 1933

* Red Grange vs. Ernie Nevers

* Green Bay Packers

* Pacific Coast All-American

* Charity football game

The sport's section (page 16) has one column headings: "GREEN BAY BEATEN IN CHARITY GAME" "20,000 See the Packers Bow to Nevers's All-Stars, 13-6, at San Francisco" with lineups. (see) This was the only game Red Grange play... See More  

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Robert "Big Bob" Brady killed....

Item #607437

January 23, 1934

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, Galveston, Texas, January 23, 1934

* Robert "Big Bob" Brady killed

* Oklahoma outlaw - bank robber

The front page has a nice banner headline: "POSSE KILLS BRADY, CAPTURES THREE" with subheads: "Big Boy Dies Fighting As Group Caught In Open Field" and more with photo of Brady (see photos). This is 1st report coverage on the ki... See More  

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FDR recognizes Cuba...

Item #637174

January 23, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 23, 1934

* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

* Cuban-American Treaty of Relations

The front page has a one column heading: "ROOSEVELT DECIDES TO RECOGNIZE CUBA" with subheads. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40 pages, this is the rare ... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial...

Item #695047

January 23, 1935

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, January 23, 1935.


* Charles Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial

* Bruno Hauptmann & the ladder traced to him ?

The front page has a banner headline: "BRUNO PUT AT KIDNAP SCENE" with subheads. (see) Coverage continues inside with some testimony. Two related photos are on the back page including one of the ladder.

Other news, sports and adverti
... See More  

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1942 New Guinea campaign... WWII...

Item #690096

January 23, 1942


* Dutch New Guinea campaign begins (1st report)

* Empire of Japan invasion - Japanese - Japs

* Australian Territory of Paua - Queensland

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline for display: "STRIKE AT AUSTRALIAN ISLE" with subheads. (see) related map is on page 8.

Complete with 34 pages, light toning at the margins, s... See More  

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1943 Battle of Tripoli... WWII...

Item #693006

January 23, 1943


* Battle of Tripoli - Tripolitania - Libya

* Field Marshall Erwin Rommel defeat

* Afrika Korps vs. British 8th Army

The front page has a nice banner headline: "TRIPOLI IN GRASP OF ALLIES; ROMMEL FLEES INTO TUNISIA" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Other World War II reporting.

Complete with 24 pages, light toning and a little wear at t... See More  

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Item #546579

January 23, 1944

PM SUNDAY, New York, N.Y., dated January 23, 1944.

Headlines on the frontpage read "Official Report on SPCC... Cruelty to Children" "Real Estate vs. Wounded Soldiers" "U.S. Army Bans Anti-Nazi Paper for Nazi Captives". The paper features other war news and stories of the day.

This issue also features photos (with captions) of Gary Cooper and Frank Sinatra.

... See More  

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Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is established...

Item #695673

January 23, 1946

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 23, 1946 

* CIA Central Intelligence Agency is established (1st report) 

* President Harry Truman 

The top of page 14 has a two column heading: "Truman Creates a New Authority To Handle Foreign Intelligence" "Gathering and Dissemination Put Under Secretaries of State, War and Navy With a Central Director as Coordinator" First re... See More  

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1950 Preston Tucker not guilty...

Item #667142

January 23, 1950

THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, January 23, 1950

* Preston Tucker not guilty (1st report)

* Automobile designer & entrepreneur

* 1948 Tucker Sedan "Tucker Torpedo" fame

The front page has a one column heading: "Tucker Will Try to Re-organize Firm" with subhead: "Accused Cleared Of Fraud Charges" (see)

Four pages, a few larger size binding holes along the ... See More  

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Kim Novak...

Item #584831

January 23, 1955

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS - PARADE, Detroit, Michigan, January 23, 1955  The front of this issue contains a photo of Kim Novak with an accompany article entitled "The Story of a Buildup" which includes additional photos. Additional stories and advertisements are within.

This is complete in 20 pages with several small binding holes along the top edge, otherwise in very nice condition... See More  

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American Flyer Train wreck...

Item #555049

January 23, 1956

THE DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, January 23, 1956

* American Flyer Train wreck

This 44 page newspaper has a six column headline on the front page: "Engineer Blots Out; 29 Killed, 120 Hurt" with subheads that include: "Flyer Wrecked rounding Curve" and more with related photos.

Other news of the day throughout. Minor spine wear, otherwise in good condition.... See More  

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1957 'Mad Bomber' George Metesky arrested...

Item #573858

January 23, 1957

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, January 23, 1957 

* Mad Bomber George Metesky 

* Capture & arrest w/ photo

This 34 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "I'M GLAD I DID IT,' 'BOMBER' STATES" with subheads and famous photo of Metesky behind bars. (see)

Tells of the capture of the New York City 'Mad Bomber', George Metesky.

... See More  

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'Mad Bomber' George Metesky arrested...

Item #594401

January 23, 1957

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 23, 1957 

* Mad Bomber George Metesky 

* Capture & arrest w/ photo

This 42 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "'MAD BOMBER' IS FINALLY SEIZED", "Locked Up for Observation by Phychiatrists (sic)" with small photo. (see) 1st report coverage on the capture ... See More  

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'Mad Bomber' George Metesky arrested...

Item #697672

January 23, 1957


* Mad Bomber George Metesky 

* Capture & arrest

The front page has a banner headline: "'Mad Bomber' Captured" with subheads. (see images) Lengthy coverage continues on page 2.

Complete with 14 pages, a little margin wear with minimal text loss, a few archival mends on page 2, still nice for display.... See More  

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USS Pueblo captured by North Korea...

Item #564192

January 23, 1968

THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, January 23, 1968

* USS Pueblo incident (1st report)

* Early report on same day

* North Korea

This 6 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "North Koreans Seize U.S. Intelligence Ship". This is an early 1st report on the infamous USS Pueblo incident.

Other news of the day. A few small binding holes along the spine, otherwise... See More  

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The Pueblo Incident with North Korea...

Item #681457

January 23, 1968

DAILY BREEZE, Torrance, California, January 23, 1968 

* USS Pueblo incident (1st report) 

* Apollo 5 - 1st Lunar Module flight

The front page features reporting of the Pueblo Incident with banner headline: "Red Koreans Board, Capture U.S. Ship" with subhead and map. Nice for display.

Also a banner heading at the very top of the front page announces: "Space Shot Per... See More  

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1st Led Zeppelin North American tour ad (1969)...

Item #701743

January 23, 1969

THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York City, Jan. 23, 1969

* Early Led Zeppelin - English rock band

* First North American tour advertisement

* 1st New York City concert - Fillmore East

Page 32 has a historic advertisement for a very early Led Zeppelin concert at the East Fillmore venue in Manhattan. Shown are upcoming concerts at this venue which also includes The Grateful Dead, J... See More  

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ABA All-Star Game - Dan Issel...

Item #204832

January 23, 1971

THE SPORTING NEWS, January 23, 1971, from St. Louis, MO. This sporting newspaper is about 48  pages in length and is in terrific condition and has never been bound. This particular issue features ABA ALL-STAR GAME - GOLDEN BOY DAN ISSEL on the front with text about him on the inside pages. This issue is loaded with sports news & photos of the day with several advertisements featuri... See More  

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Abortions ruled legal: Roe vs. Wade decision...

Item #687360

January 23, 1973

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1973

* Abortion made legal (1st report)

* Roe v. Wade decision

* U.S. Supreme Court


This is the front leaf only. The front page has the Supreme Court's landmark decision on Roe v. Wade. While some of the coverage was continued onto inside pages which are not present, finding issues with the Roe v. Wade decision are quite rare.... See More  

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Los Angeles (Oakland) Raiders win Super Bowl XVIII...

Item #700526

January 23, 1984

SUN-TIMES, Chicago, Super Bowl Special, Jan. 23, 1984

* Oakland - Los Angeles Raiders win

* Super Bowl XVIII - NFL Football

* vs. Washington Redskins at Tampa

The front page has a heading: "Raiders defense in Hog Heaven" with photo showing Marcus Allen in the locker room. (see images) Much more in the sport's section with headlines, many photos and stats.

Complete with 100 ... See More  

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Mike Tyson KO's Larry Holmes...

Item #664139

January 23, 1988

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan. 23, 1988

* Mike Tyson knockouts Larry Holmes

* Heavyweight boxing championship bout

* Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey

The front page of the sport's section has a heading: "For Holmes, Last Fight Is Painfully Short" with large photo (See) First report coverage continues inside with 2 more related photos.

Complete 1st and sport's sections o... See More  

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Jimmy Rodgers...

Item #566588

January 23, 1989

THE SPORTING NEWS, St. Louis, Missouri, January 23, 1989

Certainly the premier newspaper/magazine for the sporting world, its 40+ pages are simply filled with the latest news in American sports, including a front page photo which was the highlight of the week. The top names and events of all American sports eventually found their way in the pages of The Sporting News.

* Jimmy Rodgers

The ... See More  

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Donald Trump marries Meania Knauss....

Item #660234

January 23, 2005

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan. 23, 2005

* Donald Trump gets married for the 3rd time

* Melania Knauss - Slovene-born fashion model

The top of page 26 has a three column heading: "Lavish Wedding Bells Ring for Trump" with photo of Melania in a limo. First report coverage here and from probably one of the most liberal cities/counties in America. I'm sure not many of these issues exist ... See More  

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Joe Paterno death.... Penn State campus newspaper...

Item #589800

January 23, 2012

THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, Special Commemorative Edition, January 23, 2012

* Death of Joe Paterno

* Penn State University

* Best title to have

Note:  This is a 1st edition printing - not one of the common reprint editions.

This publication is published for Penn State students and faculty. What better issue could be had on the death of famed football coach Joe Paterno. The front page has ... See More  

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The death of Joe Paterno....

Item #660581

January 23, 2012

USA TODAY, January 23, 2012

*  Joe Paterno, iconic Penn State coach dies 1926-2012

Front page has image photo of Coach Paterno with heading: "ICONIC COACH DIES -Final months marred by Sandusky scandal.  The coverage continues on pg. 2.

Believed to be complete with multiple sections but is being offered for the described content. In very good condition. ... See More  

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