Web Results (76)



Benedict Arnold is determined he can subdue America... Washington & the Asgill Affair...

Item #681154

July 18, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, July 18, 1782  

* American Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century from The Enemy

Page 3 has much reporting from America concerning the end-of-war events.

It begins with a report headed "America" from Savannah concerning a skirmish with the Creek Indians. Also: "...65 mounted Rebels, under the command of Paddy Carr...crossed the Alat... See More  

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Just before the storming of the Bastile...

Item #681132

July 18, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 18, 1789 

* Beginning of the French Revolution

An inside page has a lengthy report from Paris headed "Commotions In France" which covers much of the early events of the French Revolution.

Portions include: "The palace of Versailles is guarded by 3 lines of soldiers & the King has little to fear while the Marshal de Broglio is about... See More  

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Washington on peace & security...

Item #698240

July 18, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 18, 1795  

* President George Washington

Most of the front page is taken up with: "Candid Remarks on the Treaty of Amity & Commerce, Between Great Britain & the United States of America", which is the controversial Jay Treaty.

Page 2 has a letter signed by: Geo. Washington, dated June 2, 1783. One paragraph begins: "Your congratul... See More  

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James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle...

Item #654178

July 18, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 18, 1818  Of importance is the multi-page printing of former President James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle.

The Wiley Online Library, in regards to this lengthy address, states the following: "James Madison's 1818 Address to the Albemarle Agricultural Society offers new insight into the diverse historiogra... See More  

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Early illustrated bathtub advertisement...

Item #204720

July 18, 1827

LITERARY CADET & RHODE iSLAND STATESMAN, Providence, July 18, 1827 See the photo below for the interesting, illustrated advertisement for  a "Warm Bath" with further text, and the print of a man in an 1820's-style bath tub. Complete in 4 pages, various news of the day plus many other ads as well. Some tears at the edges and some browning, generally nice as never bound nor trimmed.

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German language newspaper from 1833 Harrisburg...

Item #698133

July 18, 1833

HARRISBURGER MORGENROTHE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, July 18, 1833 

* Rare publication

* German language newspaper

A quite scarce newspaper for the German speaking community in the Harrisburg area, printed entirely in the German language. Gregory's "Union List of American Newspapers" notes that only the Pennsylvania State Library has a reasonable run of this title, two oth... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown... Death of Kit Carson?

Item #565239

July 18, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 18, 1848  This newspaper contains on page 3 reports from the "House of Representatives" and includes the results of a vote to suspend the rules concerning a resolution to allow a postal route bill to be disposed of, listing all those who voted "Yea" and "Nay". Within the "Yea" list is "Lincoln" (s... See More  

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1852 Funeral of Henry Clay...

Item #591462

July 18, 1852

SATURDAY TIMES, New York, July 18, 1852  Page 2 has half a column headed: "Funeral of Henry Clay--His Will--His Family". Other news of the day, 4 pages, large folio size, some staining and a few mends.

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The Holy Lands...

Item #172066

July 18, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1857  The front page has a half page illustration of: 'Hebron', being an overview of the city with the accompany article 'Travel Notes in Bible Lands'. Also small front page illustration of: 'Pilgrims Bathing in the Jordan'.

Inside has 9 small prints regarding: 'The Siamese--The Franks of Asia'. A full page illustration ... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


The "Great Blondin", the tightrope walker...

Item #592360

July 18, 1859

NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1859 

* Charles Blondin, the Niagara Falls tightrope walker

* Tightropes w/ wheelbarrow (1st report)

Page 3 has a one-quarter column article headed: "Blondin's Last Performance - Niagara Crossed With a Wheelbarrow On A Tight-Rope", being a very detailed account of the "Great Blondin", the famous tightrope walker, and one of his several ... See More  

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Premier lodging at Cape May...

Item #621145

July 18, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 18, 1860

* Cape May, New Jersey ad 

* Pre-civil war era 

* Premier lodging at the Jersey Shore

The front page has an ad headed: "Columbia House, Cape Island, Cape May, New Jersey". The ad says: "This large, first class Hotel, will be open for the reception of guests on 25th, June, 1860. The house has been comple... See More  

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Great war content from the Confederacy... "Pursuit of Morgan's Guerrillas"...

Item #676789

July 18, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, July 18, 1862  A very nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items are: "From Vicksburg" "The Lines Beyond the Rappahannock" "Kentucky" "A Reminiscence" "The Yankees And the Negroes" "Through Connection to Staunton" "Latest From the North--Defeat of the Federa... See More  

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Moving on to Gettysburg...

Item #172694

July 18, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1863  The full front page is a print: "The Bombardment of Port Hudson--The 100-Pound Parrott Gun of the 'Richmond' at Work". Inside has another fullpg. with 2 scenes: "The Bombardment of Port Hudson--A Mortar Schooner at Work" & "Scene of General Paine's Assault on Port Hudson--carrying Off Our dead & wounded... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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Second rate also available for:


The New York City Draft Riots... Attack on Charleston...

Item #705444

July 18, 1863


* Post Battle of Gettysburg

* Robert E. Lee's Army retreat

* New York City draft riots

* Siege of Charleston, South Carolina

 Among the one column headlines on the front page are: "THE RIOT" "Quiet Restored and Business Resumed" "The Insurgents Subdued" "Proclamation By Mayor Opdyke" "The Attack on... See More  

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1864 Springfield Maryland Newspaper....

Item #221403

July 18, 1864

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN from Massachusetts and dated July 18, 1864.

* Jackson Mississippi
* Tennessee Guerrillas

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes rep
... See More  

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Item #577906

July 18, 1864

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18, 1864 

* Original Civil War reporting

* Last year of fighting

The ftpg. has one column Civil War heads including: "The Latest from the Rebel Raider" "They Obstruct the Road Behind Them" "Their Retreat Towards Gordonsville" "Gen. Sheridan Reported on Their Front" "Reported Naval E... See More  

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Sherman's march to the sea...

Item #634114

July 18, 1864

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1864  Among the ftpg. one column heads on the Civil War are: "Rebel News" "Affairs in Front of Petersburgh" "Rebel Jubilation Over the Maryland Raid" "The Prospect at Atlanta" "Rebel Criticism of General Grant" "Gen. Grant's Army" "The Sherman's Army" and more.

Eight pages, nice conditi... See More  

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Latest reports from the Civil War...

Item #681997

July 18, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Late Invasion" "No Rebels to be Found Near Washington or Baltimore" "Grant" "Important from New Orleans" "Abandoned Plantations in the South" "General Banks Declares for Moral Power Rather than the Sword" and more.

Eight pages, very nice con... See More  

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Descriptive article on a trip to Colorado...

Item #675685

July 18, 1866

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, July 18, 1866  The conclusion of the Civil War brought with it an interest in expending west, so it would not seem unusual that articles that read like a 19th century travelogue would appear in newspapers of the day.

This issue has one on page 5, which was part of a larger series: "A Trip To Colorado--Up the Smoky Hill Fork" with a dateline from Denver. The... See More  

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The Schutzenfest... Sharp Shooters... Tammany Hall...

Item #173218

July 18, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1868  The full front page illustration is of "The Schutzenfest-The Procession Passing Through Union Square." Inside are five illustrations pertaining to "The Schutzenfest" including: "...The Domestic Sharp Shooter," "...The Convivial Sharp Shooter," "...Shooting Gallery at Jones's Wood-Sharp Shooters Firi... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


A man with 8 wives...

Item #697953

July 18, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, July 18, 1868  A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well.

Among the articles: "A Man With Eight Wives Who Does Not Live in Utah" "Lynch Law in Minnesota--Letter From Gov. Marshall" "Letter From Lake Tahoe" & more.

Four pages, a very large size newspaper, never bound nor tr... See More  

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1870 Franco-Prussian War beginning...

Item #670530

July 18, 1870

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1870

* Franco-Prussian War beginning

The top of page 7 has one column headings: "THE WAR" "Rumors from the Front in Paris and Reports of a Battle" "The French Nation Unanimous" "Legislative Address of Loyalty to Napoleon" and more. (see) Lengthy text.

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Indians outrages in 1872 Texas....

Item #668397

July 18, 1872

NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1872.


* Native Americans - Indians

* Outrages in Texas - Spotted Tail

Page 5 has an article headed: "THE INDIANS" "

Horrible Outrages by Red Devils in Texas" "Spotted Tail On An Eastern Tour" and more. (see)

Ten pages, minor margin wear, generally good.
... See More  

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"Dr. Livingstone, I presume?..." Stanley finds Livingstone in Africa...

Item #678369

July 18, 1872

THE CHICAGO TIMES, July 18, 1872  

* Dr. David Livingstone found

* Henry Morton Stanley

The back page begins with column heads on the famed African Explorers Stanley & Livingstone: "STANLEY'S STORY" "The Great African Explorer and the Great American Reporter" "Stanley's Own Account of His Interview with Livingstone" "The Discoverer Narrate... See More  

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Gold & silver mining in Colorado...

Item #173844

July 18, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1874 Full ftpg. Nast shows U.S. Grant "Don't Let Us Have Any More of This Nonsense. It is a Good Trait to Stand by One's Friends; But --". Halfpg: 'Gold & Silver Mining, Colorado'. Fullpg: 'The Morgue at Paris' & 'Sunshine' shows 2 youngsters on a swing. Fullpg "Meeting of Old Settlers"; 3/4 pg &quo... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


* Croton water supply system for New York City....

Item #668536

July 18, 1875

NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1875

* Croton water supply system for New York City

Page 10 has an article: "THE WATER WE DRINK" "Croton Lake a Summer Reservoir of Filth" "A Remedy Wanted" and more.

Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.

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Item #608198

July 18, 1879

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, July 18, 1879

* Spiritualism

The back page has an article headed: "Satan And Spiritualism" "One and the Same Thing, According to an Evangelist" "The Subject Viewed from a Scriptural Stand-point" See images for text here.

Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a little irregular along spine, otherwise n... See More  

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Jesse James... Rock Island Railroad robbery...

Item #686845

July 18, 1881

NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1881 

* Outlaw Jesse James gang

* Rock Island Railroad train robbery

The top of the middle column of the front page has heads: "THE WORK OF ROAD AGENTS", "Robbery And Murders On A Rock Island Train", "Details Of The Bloody Affair At Winston, Mo.--The Conductor And A Passenger Killed And The Express Safe Robbed--Statements By The Train-M... See More  

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Niagara Falls...

Item #174996

July 18, 1885

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1885  Full front pg. Nast illus. of "What the Position of a President of the United States Really Is." Inside are two 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Late Commander Gorringe" and "A. E. Stevenson, First Assistant Postmaster-General." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Sloop Yacht "Puritan"." Full pg. illus. containing fiv... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


The Indians in Kansas...

Item #620344

July 18, 1885

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 18, 1885  Inside has a full page with 3 prints of: "Scenes & Incidents of the Strike of Iron-Workers in Cleveland" and other fullpg. has 4 prints of: "The Indian Troubles--Types & Incidents In Southwestern Kansas & the Indian Territory." A fullpg. has  8 scenes of: "The Manufacture of Lager Beer..." ... See More  

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The Indians in Kansas...

Item #655427

July 18, 1885

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 18, 1885  Inside has a full page with 3 prints of: "Scenes & Incidents of the Strike of Iron-Workers in Cleveland" and other fullpg. has 4 prints of: "The Indian Troubles--Types & Incidents In Southwestern Kansas & the Indian Territory." A fullpg. has  8 scenes of: "The Manufacture of Lager Beer..." ... See More  

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Over the Rockies... Milwaukee......

Item #175622

July 18, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1891 Full ftpg: 'Colonnade, Madison Sq. Garden'. Fullpg: 'Giant Coopering' shows men making a barrel about 12 ft. high. Fullpg: 'An Out of the Way Outing' shows several Western scenes. Eight Remington prints re: 'A Day with the Seventh Regiment'. Fullpg: 'Over the Rockies in an Observation Car'. Fullpg: 'The Park o... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


The Democratic National Convention...

Item #176144

July 18, 1896

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1896  Full front page illus. of "Leader Altgeld and His Mask." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Scenes at the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Illinois." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "William Jennings Bryan" and "Arthur Sewall."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Illino... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


On Santiago's surrender: the Spanish-American War...

Item #689867

July 18, 1898

THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, July 18, 1898 

* Battle of Santiago de Cuba (capture)

* General William Rufus Shafter

* Spanish-American War

The front page has nice reporting on the Spanish-American War: "Toral's Sword Returned To Him By Shafter After the Surrender" "McKinley Officially Informed Of The Occupation of Santiago" "The American Flag Now Prou... See More  

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1898 Battle of Santiago de Cuba ends...

Item #699078

July 18, 1898

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 18, 1898

* Fall of Santiago de Cuba

* Spanish Navy surrenders

* Spanish-American War

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "SANTIAGO IS OURS" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Co... See More  

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Flatiron Building...

Item #177211

July 18, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1903 Frontpage illustration of the Statue of Liberty; Photo of President Roosevelt Writing the Message Which Opened the New Pacific Cable; A Finish at Close Quarters; A New Up-Town Sky-Scraper For New York (Flatiron Building); The Daily Show at Asbury Park; Doublepage illustration "A Letter From Home" by Clarence F. Underwood; The America... See More  

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1905 Aviator Daniel J. Maloney killed...

Item #679113

July 18, 1905

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 18, 1905

* Aviator Daniel J. Maloney killed

* John J. Montgomery glider crash

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FRIGHTFUL FALL OF AN AERONAUT" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper... See More  

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Democratic President Candiate William Jennings Bryan....

Item #177357

July 18, 1908

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1908  The front page of this issue has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called "Receiving the News." There are also sketchings done by Kemble called The Daily Matinee" and "The Evening Performance." There is also a double page illustration by Kemble called "'Once More unto the Breach, Dear Friends, Once Mo... See More  

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Item #209018

July 18, 1912

LIFE MAGAZINE, New York, July 18, 1912.  A great issue for framing and displaying! Also includes an nice double-page centerfold illustration "Job Comforters" on boys going fishing calling to a boy that has to do chores.

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Item #177744

July 18, 1914

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, July 18, 1914

This issue has a color cover page before the title page.

In this issue, there are several articles including "Axes to Grind" by Gilson Gardner; "The Falling Baseball Fever" by Eric Harold Palmer; "A Republican Suicide" by Howard D. Wheeler; "The Inquest on Armand le Mesurier" by Frank Danby and &q... See More  

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Nice World War I reports and headlines...

Item #681517

July 18, 1916

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 18, 1916  Printed in red ink is a banner headline on World War I: "ALL GERMANY ALARMED BY SMASH OF ALLIES" with other heads including: "Teuton Armies On Eastern Front In Retreat" "Von Hindenburg Is Called To Berlin For Conference" "Situation In West Serious" "Slavs Pressing Foe On All Sides In Great Driv... See More  

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Baseball's Black Sox scandal trial begins...

Item #632542

July 18, 1921

THE WORLD, New York, July 18, 1921  The top of the first column of pg. 8 has: "FIRST INNING OF BASEBALL TRIAL TO BEGIN TO-DAY" "Burns and Gedeun Refuse to Be Interviewed by Attorneys for indicated Sox" which makes the beginning of the infamous "Black Sox" scandal trial. The text takes half a column.

Complete in 18 pages, a small library label within masthead, ot... See More  

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Alvaro Obregon assassination... Mexico president...

Item #700296

July 18, 1928


* Alvaro Obregon assassination

* Mexican Revolution general

* President of Mexico

The front page has a great banner headline: "OBREGON SLAIN AT BANQUET" with subheads. (see images) More on page 2. Six related photos are on the back page. First report coverage on the assassination of General Alvaro Obregon, president of Mexico

Complete with 3... See More  

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Robert Goddard...early rockets...

Item #578017

July 18, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1929

* Robert H. Goddard

* Early rockets

* Stratosphere flight

This 48 page newspaper has one column headings on page 2:  "METEOR-LIKE ROCKET STARTLES WORCESTER", "Clark Professor's Test a New Propellant to Explore Air Strata Brings Police to Scene".

Other news of the day throughout including period advertisements. There is ligh... See More  

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Robert Goddard... early rockets...

Item #580317

July 18, 1929

THE DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, July 18, 1929

* Robert H. Goddard - Clark University professor

* Early rockets - rocketry

This 60 page newspaper has a two column headlines on page 15: "Test Rocket's Explosion Is Mistaken for Meteor".

Other news of the day throughout including period advertising. This rag edition is in very nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Robert Hutchings ... See More  

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1929 Robert Goddard.... early rockets.....

Item #690601

July 18, 1929


* Robert H. Goddard

* Early rockets - rocketry

* Stratosphere flight

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "CITY STARTLED BY HUGE ROCKET TO EXPLORE SKY" with subhead. (see)

Complete with 36pages, rag edition in great condition.

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Altona Bloody Sunday... Prussia riots...

Item #696737

July 18, 1932


* Altona Bloody Sunday conflict

* Hamburg, Germany

* Sturmabteilung (SA) & Schutzstaffel (ss)

* Nazis Party vs. Communists

The top of the front page has a banner headline: "REDS RIOT; 15 GERMANS DIE" with subheads. Related photo on the back page. (see images) First report coverage on the "Altona Bloody Sunday", a violent confro... See More  

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San Francisco general strike riots...

Item #556845

July 18, 1934

NEW YORK WORLD TELEGRAM, New York, NY, July 18, 1934

* San Francisco, California general strike riots

This 32 page newspaper has a nice two line banner headline on the front page: "COAST MOBS WAR ON STANDARD OIL; Green Disavows General Strike for A.F.L." with subheads and related photos. More inside

Other news of the day throughout. Light browning with minor margin wear, otherw... See More  

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Babe Ruth 2000th walk....

Item #562469

July 18, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 18, 1934

* Babe Ruth

* New York Yankees

* Bases on balls - walks (2,000th)

This 38 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 22:



and more. Tells of Babe Ruth's 2,000th base on balls which was another milestone by the great Yankee. Great to have in this title.

Other news of the da... See More  

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Adolph Hitler... Anti Catholics and jews movement...

Item #570318

July 18, 1935

THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, New York, July 18, 1935  This 18 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "NAZIS RALLYING FORCE AGAINST JEW, CATHOLIC" "Press Hits 'Atrocity' Tales Abroad as Anti-Semitic Drive and Sterilization Program Press Forward"

Light browning with little spine wear, otherwise good.

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Nazis and Sterilization program...

Item #650056

July 18, 1935


* Nazis and sterilization program

* Jews - Jewish - Judaica

Near the bottom front page is a two column heading: "Nazis Continue Jew Baiting and Push Sterilization Plan" with subhead. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 28 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More  

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Spanish Civil War begins... Madrid, Spain...

Item #612402

July 18, 1936

THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Nebraska, July 18, 1936

* Spanish Civil War starts

* Second Spanish Republic coup

The front page has a two column headline: "SPAIN SENDS FLEET AND PLANES AGAINST REBELS" 1st report coverage on the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 16 pages, light browning, some margin wear and chipping, otherwise... See More  

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Helen Clevenger murder... Asheville NC...

Item #683495

July 18, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1936

* Helen Clevenger murder

* American college student

* Asheville, North Carolina

The front page has a one column heading: "SUSPECT IS HUNTED IN CO-ED'S MURDER" with subheads. (see) Coverage continues on page 6 with photo of Clevenger.

Complete with all 30 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More  

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Amelia Earhart lost in 1937...

Item #656946

July 18, 1937



* Amelia Earhart famous disappearance

* Lost over the Pacific Ocean

* Search ending - dead ?

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "NAVY HUNT FOR AMELIA EARHART TO END TONIGHT" with subhead. (see) She went missing over two weeks earlier. The search would officially end on this day. Always nice to have notable events in history repo... See More  

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Douglas 'Wrongway' Corrigan Starts Mystery Flight...

Item #202181

July 18, 1938

ALLENTOWN MORNING CALL, PA July 18, 1938. This 16 page newspaper has a two line, one column headlin eon the front page: "Corrigan Off On Mystery Hop" with subhead on the famous flight of Douglas 'Wrongway' Corrigan. Good condition.

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Douglas Corrigan famous flight in 1938...

Item #657031

July 18, 1938

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Penn., July 18, 1938.


* Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan famous flight

* New York to Ireland - Unintentional ?

The top of the front page has three column headline: "'MISSING' FLIER LANDS SINGLE-MOTORED PLANE AT IRISH AIRPORT TODAY'" with subheads. (see) Much more on the following pages with a few wire photos. Loads of text h
... See More  

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Howard Hughes' flight around the world...

Item #688514

July 18, 1939

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, July 18, 1938  The top of the front page has 2 column heads: "Hughes Plane Ends Historic World Flight" with subhead: "Five Daring Fliers Set Plane Down at New York 3 Days and 19 Hours After Take-Off For Paris, Hughes Says Post Flight More Remarkable Than New One".

Plus a photo of the young Howard Hughes. This report is on Hughes'... See More  

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Joe DiMaggio's hit streak ends...

Item #654579

July 18, 1941

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, July 16 & 18, 1941 (2-issue set)

* Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak comes to an end

* New York Yankees

* a large ad with a sketch of DiMaggio is present

The July 18th issue is 10 pages and has a report under: "WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL CONTESTS," which tells of the end of Joe DiMaggio's famous hitting streak. Se... See More  

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Hometown newspaper reports: Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak begins, is established, and ends...

Item #698562

July 18, 1941

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, a trio of issues for May 16, July 17 and 18, 1941 

* Joe DiMaggio's famous hitting streak

* It begins - breaks record - and ending

* New York Yankees - MLB baseball

* 3 issue lot from his hometown publication

The sports page of May 16 has a report on the game with the Chicago White Sox, noting a 13-1 defeat, but also including the box score which shows Jo... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak is established...

Item #705854

July 18, 1941


* Joe MiMaggio - New York Yankees

* Historic game hitting streak ends w/ 56

  The sport's section (page 10) has an article under: "The (Star) of the Week" which covers the ending of Joe DiMaggio's famous hitting streak. It focuses on the two pitchers that stopped him during the game. (see images) Nice to have in a NYC publication... See More  

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Postdam Conference (Germany)...

Item #599342

July 18, 1945

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, July 18, 1945  

* Potsdam Conference (Germany) 

* World war II era 

* Harry Truman - Joseph Stalin

The front page has a three column headline:

"President Truman Presides Over First Meeting Of Big Three; Jap Peace Rumors Circulate In London" with subheads and two related photos (see photos). Other news of the day thr... See More  

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New York Yankees....

Item #220534

July 18, 1947

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1947.


* New York Yankees

* Win 19 in a Row

This 36 page newspaper has a six column headline on page 11: "Yanks Win Double-Header to Tie League Record of 19 in Row" with subheads that include: "BOMBERS REPULSE INDIANS BY 3-1,7-2", "Raschi Hurls Six-Hitter", and more. Other news of the day throughout. Rag edition in nice con
... See More  

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Michael Musmanno' Adolph Hitler investigation...

Item #676748

July 18, 1948


* Did Adolph Hitler die in 1945 Berlin ?

* Captain Michael Musmanno investigation

The top of the front page has a banner headline: "At Last! Hitler Death Mystery Is Solved" with subheads and small photo of Musmanno. This is the 1st installment of a series of articles by Musmanno.

Complete 1st section only with 16 pages, light toning at the ma... See More  

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Whitey Ford gets 1st victory in MLB...

Item #573120

July 18, 1950

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 18, 1950

* Whitey Ford gets his very 1st victory in MLB 

* New York Yankees

This 48 page newspaper has a banner headline on page 24:

* Yankees Check White Sox at Stadium on Berr's Two-Run Double in Seventh

with subheads that include: "FORD MOUND VICTOR FOR BOMBERS, 4 TO 3" "Yanks' Rookie Southpaw Gains First Trium... See More  

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Whitey Ford's first Major League win...

Item #623213

July 18, 1950

NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1950  The sports section contains coverage of Whitey Ford's first Major League win: banner head on pg. 24: "Yankees Check White Sox at Stadium on Berra's Two run Double in Seventh", with a photo.  Wonderful to have this report in a New York paper. 

Apparently the complete first section with pages 1-32, loose at the spine, very nice conditi... See More  

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Evangeline Booth... 1st Woman General of Salvation Army...

Item #671323

July 18, 1950

THE DETROIT NEWS, July 18, 1950

* Evangeline Booth death - British theologist

* 1st Woman General of Salvation Army

The top of page 7 has a two column heading: "Salvationists Mourn Chief" with subheads and photo. (see)

Complete with all 38 pages, rag edition in nice condition. Some small binding holes along the spine. ... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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The death of baseball great Ty Cobb...

Item #672935

July 18, 1961

THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, July 18, 1961 

* Ty Cobb death (1st report)

* Detroit Tigers

* Major league baseball MLB

The top of page 4 has a headline that reads: "Ty Cobb Leaves Fantastic Legacy" (see)

Complete it 6 pages, small library stamp within masthead, a few small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More  

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1963 Camp Summerlane attack... Racially motivated...

Item #704336

July 18, 1963

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, July 18, 1963

* Camp Summerlane - Western North Carolina

* Pro integration ethical humanist Summer camp

* Rosman NC racist mountaineers attack

The front page has a heading: "Mountaineers Drive Camp Out of Hills, Into Jersey" with lead-in: "Von Hilsheimer Is Organizer" (see images) Article continues on a inside pa... See More  

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Richard Speck mass murder...

Item #573123

July 18, 1966

THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, July 18, 1966 

* Richard Speck Chicago, Illinois murders 

* Student nurses

This 6 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Defer Arraignment Of Accused Killer"

Tells of the famous mass murder of 8 student nurses in Chicago IL.

Other news of the day. A few small binding holes along the spine, otherwise ... See More  

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Mass murderer Richard Speck...

Item #630881

July 18, 1966

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1966  The front page carries a four-page headline "Suspect in 8 Killings to Get Hearing Today" with subhead "Heavily Guarded in Jail Hospital After Wounding Himself". "Richard Franklin Speck, the suspect in the slaying of eight women in a nurses' dormitory last Thursday, was under heavy guard today. Speck was taken into custody early t... See More  

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Death of jazz saxophonist John Coltrance...

Item #594333

July 18, 1967

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, July 18, 1967

* John Coltrane death

* Jazz Saxophone - composer

This 32 page newspaper has one column heading on page 10: "John Coltrane, Saxophonist, Succumbs at 40". See photo for 1st report coverage on the death of famous jazz saxophonist, John Coltrane.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Minor spine... See More  

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Paul Getty III kidnapping revealed...

Item #596614

July 18, 1973

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1973 

* John Paul Getty III kidnapped 

Page 8 has a small one column heading: "Mother of Getty's Grandson In Touch With Kidnappers" A small but 1st report on the kidnapping of Paul Getty III, grandson of oil tycoon, Jean Paul Getty.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in 60 pages, very minor central fol... See More  

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1974 Jobriath NYC nightclub perfroamnce ad...

Item #705914

July 18, 1974

(was $48) THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, July 18, 1974

* Jobriath - 1st openly gay rock musician

* The Bottom Line nightclub performance ad

* One of the 1st musicians to die of AIDS

Page 44 has a 11 x 5 1/2 inch advertisement for a "Jobriath" performance at The Bottom Line nightclub in Greenwich Village.

wikipedia notes: Bruce Wayne Campbell known... See More  

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Brazil football team wins 1994 FIFA World Cup...

Item #679057

July 18, 1994

LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 18, 1994

* Brazil wins 1994 FIFA World Cup of Soccer

* vs. Italy - penalty shoot-out - Rose Bowl

The front page has a three column headline: "Brazil Beats Italy for World Cup in Dramatic Penalty-Kick Showdown" with nice color photo. Much more in the sport's section, see images for portions. Nice to have in this publication as the final was played in the... See More  

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2001 death of Katherine Graham...

Item #693863

July 18, 2001

LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 18, 2001

* Katherine Graham death

* The Washington Post publisher

* Watergate scandal fame

Near the bottom of the front page: "Publisher Katherine Graham Dies" with subhead and 2 related photos. Much more on pages 14 & 15 with lengthy text and more related photos. She was the first Woman publisher of a major American newspaper.

Complete with all sect... See More  

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Review & premiere of "Batman", in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #651376

July 18, 2008

LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 18, 2008

* Best "The Dark Knight" film advertisement

* Grand Opening Day movie premiere

* Superhero - Christian Bale - Heath Ledger

* Also opening day advertisement for "Mamma Mia!"

A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "The Dark Knight" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper fr... See More  

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