British soldiers are deserting to Washington's camp...
Item #701135
January 29, 1778
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Jan. 29, 1778 A nice issue for display, as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.&nb... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
The Patriotic Order of the Sons of America...
Item #619019
September 01, 1869
CAMP NEWS, Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1869 This was the: "National Organ of the Patriotic Order Sons of America". This fraternity still exists, and their information notes the beginnings of the P.O.S. of A. is found in the early days of the American Republic. Patriots banded together to uphold the principles of Americanism and duty to the flag, including the preservation of the public ... See More
Item #177673
September 14, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1912
This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "Jerome D. Travers, America's New Amateur Golf Champion."
In this issue there is an article called "Progress of the Campaign." There is a full page illustration called "A Little Forecast of Coming Events" by Kemble ... See More
Item #177205
June 06, 1903
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 6, 1903 Frontpgae illustration "Discussing the Yacht Races; Defending the Panama Canal; The Fight for an Open Port; The President in the West; Doublepage illustration "What She Didn't Declare" by James Montgomery Flagg; other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.
"Great Expectations" Collection II...
Item #206665
January 05, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 5, 1861 through February 9, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 2) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be v... See More
"America" Flagship of the Balwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition...
Item #177102
June 22, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1901 Photo "First Dip of the Season"; The Oil Boom in Texas; The International Jubilee Convention of the Y.M.C.A. at Boston; Valley Forge and the Nation; doublepage centerfold "The Viaduct at One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Street" by Peters; Features of the Russian Army; The American Steel Industry; "America" Flagship of the ... See More
Washington at Valley Forge...
Item #173700
March 01, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 1, 1873 Front full page illustration of "Washington at Valley Forge-Winter of 1777-8." Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of "Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1732-Our Grandmothers."
Two 1/4 page portraits of "Hon. Samuel C. Pomeroy, United States Senator from Kansas" and "Hon. A. M. York, Mr. Pomeroy's Accuser"... See More
The Bannock Indians... Lava Bends, Idaho...
Item #174258
July 06, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 6, 1878 Fullpg. with 5 scenes of: 'The Valley Forge Centennial'. Nice nearly halfpg: 'Group of Bannock Indians' & halfpg: 'Lava Beds, Idaho'.
Homer print on the front page... Jefferson Davis...
Item #172438
February 02, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 2, 1861 The full front page shows "The Seceding Mississippi Delegation in Congress" done by famed artist Winslow Homer, showing among others Senator Jefferson Davis. Other prints inside include: "Sea Battery, Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va". The dramatic doublepage centerfold is: "Dream of a Secessionist--Washington and Valley Forge&... See More
View Of Havana, Cuba... Union Pacific R.R: Echo City & Weber Canon, Utah...
Item #173282
February 27, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 27, 1869 The front page of this issue features an article on Washington's Resignation and illustration "Original Portrait Of Washington" from a painting executed by Polk at Valley Forge. Also a nice full page illustration "General Washington Resigning His Commission To Congress At Annapolis". Large view of "Panoramic View O... See More
Cornelius Vanderbilt...
Item #174108
January 27, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Jan. 27, 1877 Full ftpg. Nast cartoon. 1/2 pg: 'Burial of Cornelius Vanderbilt'. Fullpg: 'The stranded steamship 'L'Amerique'. Fullpg: 'Winter sketches'.
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